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how did you handle when....


New Member
What was your reactions,fears, and feeling when your husband said "I want to have another wife..."
I have fears right now of bring rejected by. Family and friends.
Fear of emotional things ( hugs, kisses etc)
Losing my husband ( not having him to myself)
What its...

Some of it might sound selfish but my husband told me he wanted another wife 8 months ago and I am no doing well.
fortunately My husband introduced me to the thought of plural marriage when we first began dating. It is not an easy thing to hear that they want another wife because all those fears come out in us like the I'm not good enough? What have I done wrong?Where did this come from?

My first thought were we are just dating and he is already thinking about this? What is wrong with me? and those insecurities leaped out and grabbed me. I took my fears to my now husband and we talked them out. It is not about being good enough, or me doing wrong but about what God has laid on his heart. He eased my fears, and he explained that I am good enough but another woman might bring something better out in him. I laid my trust in my husband as I do today, and know what happens is the right step for my family.

I am very open with my family and went to them just months into dating and told of his beliefs and my mother's reaction was....." You must make the decision of do you love him enough to be with him no matter his beliefs?" The more I thought of that I discovered I would do any thing for him even as we were just dating. Unlike your situation though where you are already married and never had the chance to decide before hand.

As far as the intimate part( yet I have not went through this). I would not think about him being that way with another woman. Try not to think of this, or put pictures in your head because that makes it worse, and builds up stuff that does not have to be there.

Your husband married you and loves you. You will not lose him but time with him. Take that time for yourself, enjoy a good night sleep, or find a hobby to have while he is not there. You might enjoy the time without him to some point.

A great thing to do is write down your fears, thoughts, and issues with this then discuss them with your husband. This might open your eyes to a lot more than you think. When I have an issue I talk to my husband about it and he does his best to help me through it. This is still not going to be easy but he will help you the best he can.

God Bless
I am the third wife, There are fears, I had a very hard time in the beginning because my husband tells me I am the apple of his eye and I tell him back "no I am just one of the grapes on the bunch" :roll: We now celebrated our 10 year anniversary. we discussed another wife and decided with the 4 of us that we are enough. The women spend time together, again we have had troubles but if you really love someone you work through things.
I dont think of him with them. I know that is a necessary part of marriage, i just try to be the best wife I can be and honor my husband in the way that the bible would have me. There are jealousies but the longer we have been together the less often that happens. I cannot foresee adding another now as we are settling down and almost all of our children are moving on to college and we can begin to enjoy our married life without the added frustration of children.
I have had a husband prior and felt used and abused, and I shared him with other women against my wishes. Now I know that the man I am with loves me and I can honestly say I am glad he is happy with this plural marriage.
Hi, my husband announced plurual marriage to me like a year ago. We have been married for about 7 years. I had run into this site at the time, and believe that was God helping me, in the beginning of learning more knowledge and sharing my husband. I did not take it as well as I should have I was furiours that he came across polygamy. Like are you crazy, and he began reading to me the old testament scriptures with David having seven wives, Solomon with 700 and so on, and I just accepted it, b/c it was sooner or later starting to make more and more sense. It made sense b/c I came across the scriptures before wondering why we dont practice this today. The world changed but God never changed. I have learned so much from sweet Lisa's post, about jealousy and overcoming fears, I even chatted with her before. Her post really spoke to me at that time.

Well in overcoming fears, jealousy and the like, MEN have a right to be jealous if their wife is with another man, and God has a right to be jealous if we serve other God's or idol's. But women have no right to be jealous because God created women for men, and it should be normal. America and its laws against plurual marriage has got in our mind, and have us think of polygamy with jealousies and fear because we are not use to this way of lifestyle,(polygamy). But what I do is put myself in situations in my mind and meditate, on him going on dates, him being in the bed with another women, (I look at this like I know he's doing a good job isn't he?), or how did it go, sharing time with him, not having him as much. But I dont think it would be any different that if he had to travel or go away for work, or the like. And I know and trust my husband to give me time, and to equally love us all. I trust him to be there when I need him most, just like I trust in God to be there when I need him most. I just put myself in the most deepest situations, so i can be prepared. I have learned to always be prepared and be excited for him, and in agreement with him on polygamy for this to work, because this God's doing, and whatever God wants I will do. I had to ask God to transform my mind, and remove Jealousy from my heart. I had to pray about polygamy. Just like I have to pray about anything else. God has transformed my mind and my way of thinking because of prayer. So ask God to help you and he will. Because the world has our mind warped.

My husband has been across a few women that he has liked and I listen and , also some times feel akward, obviously I need more work. My adjustment is getting better, but I still have inner struggles, secret struggles that I see and have to confess. So its just a transformation process. He works and comes across women that he tells me what he likes about them, and how they act towards him,thier respect, their comments, ect. And I have recently found out that I try to compete, that's another one to watch out for.
thanks for asking these questions on the post, b/c i been wanting to say alittle on this subject.
I am not sure if you need anymore insight on this subject at this time or not, but I am too dealing with this very same subject and frequently discuss these issues with my husband. I am also new to this site as my husband happened to just stumble across it on the internet and we fell immediately in love with this site.

My husband and I have been married for 4 years now, but we have been best friends for 9 years before marriage. I spent the first few years dedicating every day to do exactly what God wanted me to do and to learn to love and honor my husband just as Christ would have me do. Right after we said our wedding vows to one another and pledged our love for one another before God I asked him before the day was over if he would ever be interested in marrying another and wanted his insight. At that time we both were not interested and promised me he would never do so without my permission. See I had lots of insecurities about myself then and was highly against the idea. It wasn't until the show "Sister Wives" began airing I really began to question the lifestyle and wanted to know more and wanted desperately to know if it could ever be possible to live this way. My husband and I would talk about the show and share each others perspective of what happened on the show. Then on the very same night about a month later we both had to the very same dream that he married another woman and we both were very happy. So I shared my dream with him and he was shocked and said he had a similar dream the same night. We both knew that it had to be God's will for this to happen if we both had the same dream the same night. Little did I know though that it really wasn't just that simple.

I began to feel exactly as you do. What if this.... What if that.... What if... Just what if.... But there is one thing I have learned in my walk with Jesus Christ is that you cannot live in the what if. If this is honestly your calling then you have to put ALL your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ that he will take care of all the details. So with that knowledge instead of allowing my fear to rule me I felt the only thing I could do is prepare myself for certain situations. Like for one the jealousy issue because lets all face it there will be at least one time you'll feel jealous it's human nature so every few days or so I ask God to give me a certain situation that may come up that may make me jealous so I can maybe think of a solution or talk to my husband about it. If you and your husband don't talk about issues of the heart then you'll never know whom expects what out of the other person. And I have found out that it has actually drawn us closer together rather then pulling us apart. I also have learned that I need to put more trust in my husband that he has the best interests in mind constantly.

So I have not yet entered into plural marriage yet, but when it happens I feel as though I'll be prepared but of course not for everything because nothing is as it seems until you get there. I pray that all things will work out for you and that you put peace and more trust in those that are closest to you.