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How many of us are there?


Real Person
Probably not the right topic for this but couldnt decide lol, someone feel free to move it.

Are there more of us out there?
If I didnt know a few other sites and some people on youtube and of course a few personal friends, I would think the only PM supporting believers i the world number just the folks on this site.

That cant be the case, right?
So where are the others?
Do they not have any community?

In the end, I guess Im asking...have we tried reaching out to any other plural friendly sites/people? Expanding the network so to speak?

Feels lonely enough that @Verifyveritas76 and I are apparently the only ones in our city :(
Feels lonely enough that @Verifyveritas76 and I are apparently the only ones in our city
Try 2 -3 in the same country, and we've never met any of them.

It does feel lonely, but as you walk the narrow path you'll find that less and less people are on it.

I reckon there's much more 'closet polygamists' out there than you realise though.
Are there more of us out there?

There clearly are a lot more out there than are active on BF.

For example, whenever someone re-opens an old thread I remember lots of people that used to be on here. I doubt that they all just went monogamous again. Likely for whatever reasons BF no longer met their needs or they were no longer active for some other reason.

Even some of the authors of the best Christian polygamy books rarely come here. Either too busy or on to other things I guess?

I am always running into Christian polygamist in various online forums. I always point them to BF in case they do not know.

If I didnt know a few other sites and some people on youtube and of course a few personal friends, I would think the only PM supporting believers i the world number just the folks on this site.

As you say, there are many other mailing lists and even leaders out there. A few people overlap on BF but hundreds do not.

So where are the others?
Do they not have any community?

Actual communities are rare and difficult to find.

@MeganC is apparently a member of a Chrstian intentional community that supports polygamy, but they seem to be very secretive. I do not have any information on them despite asking.

@Karin Turner has spoken about knowing Mennonites that support polygamy, but no information on them either.

The only other communities that I know of are web sites and mailing lists.

To my knowledge BF is the only open Christian polygamist community that anyone can join and that also meet face to face.

In the end, I guess Im asking...have we tried reaching out to any other plural friendly sites/people? Expanding the network so to speak?

I have had in my mind for some time a "leadership summit" of Christian polygamists. Basically reach out and invite anyone who has any sort of leadership role in the community. That would be authors, web site owners, mailing list onwers, Facebook group owners, even the Mark Henkels. From this maybe all get in the same room and brainstorm how we can work together to improve the community.

Feels lonely enough that @Verifyveritas76 and I are apparently the only ones in our city :(

As others pointed out, it is a luxury to have others even in your same city. I know of one other person on this board in my city as well. I am sure that there are many more, but they are either not active, or difficult to find.
At one time there were three households in our small town but one went off the deep end and the other found out the remaining had interracial children so the fellowship is nil.
Years ago on another site I met a woman who was part of a poly group. It was a branch of the Iglesias de Christo church.

She claimed that the men in temple government were required to have more then one wife.

They dictated too many details of home life in my opinion, but it was an interesting account.
Karin’s father had a large number of wives dispersed (separate homes) in with the local population in NC and the community didn’t know. He was Mennonite, but it wasn’t a Mennonite community. His lifestyle was not uncommon, but it was hidden.
Many Jews in NY with multiple wives AND concubines hidden in plain sight.

It is much more common than is believed, but because of the history of persecution it is kept on the downlow and they aren’t even slightly interested in joining a movement.
Karin’s father had a large number of wives dispersed (separate homes) in with the local population in NC and the community didn’t know. He was Mennonite, but it wasn’t a Mennonite community. His lifestyle was not uncommon, but it was hidden.

I am just curious. Did the wives know about each other? Did they ever get together and do family things together? Did the church that he went to know? Did others in his church also practice polygyny?
I am just curious. Did the wives know about each other? Did they ever get together and do family things together? Did the church that he went to know? Did others in his church also practice polygyny?
Yes, a few things
I've run across a few different christian bloggers who practice polygamy. But there are not many and are hard to find.