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Old Paths Gardener

I am new here and thought I'd say hello. I am a Torah observant Christian. I have been single (and not dating) for many years, and enjoy my own company. I'm sharing that just to be clear that I'm not here seeking a relationship.
The idea of polygyny intrigues me IF it's done right, though I'm learning that there are a lot of ideas about what "done right" means. I'm here out of curiosity and so far have enjoy the posts I've read. One [or two?] of you guys are quite sarcastic. I'll have to find that post(s) and comment. Cracked me up.
At this point I do not feel comfortable sharing much personal information, but I'll share a few of my interests. I enjoy modern homesteading (said because I do have electricity and some other modern conveniences - no television or microwave, and social media disgusts me). I have multiple gardens, chickens, goats, cows that I share with my adult children and their families. I'm not an academic, however at one time I used to be considered smart. I am a very simple and quiet person that would much rather be sitting alone (or maybe with a good friend as long as they do not talk too much! LOL!) in the middle of the woods soaking up the smells and sounds and sights rather than sitting on a busy beach. I do my best to live a healthy lifestyle, but do enjoy a good burger and fries occasionally. Speaking of meat - I enjoy grilling, especially steak. Well that was probably a strange thing to say, but I'm rolling with it. Obviously being Torah observant I do not eat unclean food.
I do believe it is important for women to dress modestly, but I recognize that people have various opinions on what that is. Also, I believe the most covered-up woman in the room can also be the most immodest in her heart. It's a spirit, but that spirit will eventually show on the outside as well.
I guess that's all I'll say for now. I look forward to exploring more posts.
Welcome! I'm a old fashioned kind if person in the modern world too. I used to tell others our lifestyle is a bit like little house on the prairie, but with modern conveniences. We use a wood cook stove, but have food processors. No microwave ever, no tv in about 22 years, but we have a big screen and do watch movies. It's a balancing act I guess.

We have been open to a biblical poly family for about 20 years. It intrigued me too, and still does.

We just celebrated our third graduating from 'teenville" still have three teens and three preteen young'uns.

I hope you enjoy this site. It is one of two forums I regularly visit. I recommend you check out www.growingfruit.org too. Gardeners are abundant there and seed, scion and plant trades are common. :)

I am new here and thought I'd say hello.
Thanks for sharing as much as you did, @Old Paths Gardener. You told us a lot more about yourself than people usually do when they first come here, and you did a great job of painting a picture of who Old Paths Gardener is. I look forward to interacting with you on the forum threads.
Welcome! You're going to fit in around here just fine, many people think the same way you do.
We have a ladies chat on Monday nights, 7.30pm Eastern time. You are most welcome to join us. At the top of the forum you'll see the chat menu, that will take you to where you need to be.
Welcome, I like your introduction, you sound like someone I’d like to hear more from.
I hope in time you feel comfortable enough to post more of your thoughts and ideas
we need people like you here.
Welcome! I'm a old fashioned kind if person in the modern world too. I used to tell others our lifestyle is a bit like little house on the prairie, but with modern conveniences. We use a wood cook stove, but have food processors. No microwave ever, no tv in about 22 years, but we have a big screen and do watch movies. It's a balancing act I guess.

We have been open to a biblical poly family for about 20 years. It intrigued me too, and still does.

We just celebrated our third graduating from 'teenville" still have three teens and three preteen young'uns.

I hope you enjoy this site. It is one of two forums I regularly visit. I recommend you check out www.growingfruit.org too. Gardeners are abundant there and seed, scion and plant trades are common. :)

:) I love my wood cook stove! And I also watch movies on my computer. I like to visit my dad whenever I can, but he has the tv on a lot and it always shocks me how vile it is. Even if you are watching a nature show that's completely "G-rated", you still have to deal with the commercials and WOW they are just getting worse and worse. The last time I visited my dad I noticed that there was at least one commercial each break that had some sort of homosexual thing going on. At least with a movie you can kind of control things better, though the newer ones are pretty much trash and I have given up trying to find a newer one worth watching. These are my opinions, of course, and I would never condemn anyone else for watching things they feel are fine to watch.
Thanks for the info! You still have a pretty full house - I'm sure that keeps you on your toes! Sometimes I feel a bit spoiled being alone and being able to have quiet when I want / need quiet. I try to keep in mind how that's not necessarily normal for most people, and most women "my age" [historically speaking] should have a house full, whether by living with an adult child and their family, or by having some sort of poly family around them. There's a part of me that actually desires that, however at this point in my life I just cannot see how it would work. Because our society in general is pretty much against polygyny, AND because many poly families are not set up in a biblical way / do not have biblical intentions, I think I would have a much higher chance of finding myself in a mess than not. I'm content where I am and do not feel a calling to be elsewhere. Intriguing, yes. Probable, I don't think so.

Welcome! You're going to fit in around here just fine, many people think the same way you do.
We have a ladies chat on Monday nights, 7.30pm Eastern time. You are most welcome to join us. At the top of the forum you'll see the chat menu, that will take you to where you need to be.
That will probably hardly ever work out for me (the timing) but I'll see! It actually might work out this Monday, but that is an exception to the general rule. I'll set an alarm to remind me and see if I'm able to join this Monday. Thanks!
:) I love my wood cook stove!
I do too....but Arizona summers put a damper on my enthusiasm for lighting it up. We are getting ready to can peaches this comming week. We are planning on using the other woodstove
...located outside. ;)
You hit the nail on the head where tv and commercials are concerned. Here is a funny. Years ago I was with the children at a home where hubby was removing some trees. They invited the kids in (me too) to watch tv and had the Disney channel on. When it went to commercial our kids asked them to please put the movie back on because they had NEVER seen a commercial and had no idea what one was. A few years ago I saw some commercials at the neighbor's place and was really suprised at how bad they had gotten in the 18 or so years since we quit tv.
Intriguing, yes. Probable, I don't think so.
I still like the idea of biblical poly....but agree with your sentiment completely.
Welcome! So glad you introduced yourself. We look forward to getting to know you better.
Welcome! It's always great to see another fellow homesteader join.
Welcome to one of the nicest places in the internet! :)