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Is introducing a wife with another wife's name a cardinal sin?

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So I've called my children each other's names. I have even called the dog by their names. Life gets crazy.

But I was wondering, if a wife was introduced to someone but used another wife's name, is that something you never do? I would imagine older relationships that would be no big deal, but a new one??? Might be world war III.

Has it happened to anyone?
It has not happened to me, and currently I'm the only wife so I can only theorize. ..

I think it would depend on how much tension is in the relationship already. So if it's a fairly new addition, I could see maybe being hurt if I thought his mind was stayed on the new wife and that's why I was misintroduced. But really, I would try not to be offended. Like you said life gets crazy. My mom called my brother our uncle's name a lot when we were growing up and I watched our parents mix up our names, relative's names and (like you said) pet names in there too lol so it seems like a normal mistake.

Hope there's no WWIII!
I know that mistakes can happen, but if the introduction was made and deliberately made with the wrong name is another story. Please indulge me for a second or two. I feel that living in a pm is hard enough. But to then add introducing your second wife with your first wifes name is just wrong. To me that means that you are hiding your life and your lifestyle. To me that is denying your lifestyle and there fore you are denying what God has granted and blessed you with. So if you are denying God's gifts to you then you are denying God. It almost would feel to me like my husband would be ashamed of me if he were to introduce me to someone under another wife's name. Please remember that this is just MY OPINION, and I know many may not shre that view but that is my two cents worth.
I've called Cheryl my ex-wife's name many, many times (both names start with a C, hasn't happened in years, but used to quite a bit). I've also called Mark Paul, Hannah Laura, and Neil William over and over (still regularly referring to Mark as Paul) due to resemblances between the pairs.

How much that bothers you is a choice you make.
When you have multiple children, and ladies is bound to happen. A few weeks ago I was introducing my 10 year old son to someone and I couldn't remember his name! I was staring at him saying "this is my son ....... ummm, as he then said his name. In my head I was going through all the names and for nothing I couldn't even think of his name, and I'm the one who names all my children! I was embarrassed... I think being understanding shouldn't prevent a problem. Not a sin at all!

I'm curious if maybe I'm misunderstanding your question, are you asking if you can introduce your other lady as your 1st wife's name to someone who knows the name of your 1st wife but not the face? Or just accidentally saying the wrong name?
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Given the example provided in the OP, it's pretty obvious this is meant as accidental. I've called my kids by the dog's name and vise versa. I've called my wife by my daughter's name and i get both boys mixed up all the time. It happens. I don't see how the exact same phenomenon occurring between two wives is any different. I agree with Andrew's take that if someone gets a little butt-hurt over it, then that is their issue and a bit of grace can go along way.

We have to be careful with the "S" word. Just because something may be perceived, at that moment, as being the most awful thing to have ever happened on the planet, until the next most awful thing to have ever happened, doesn't make it a sin.

@Sean Miller same thing happens to me all the time when i pick up scripts at the pharmacy. They ask for the patient's birthday. "ok, give me a minute, she was born in 2001, he was 3 years later, next was....."
I was only thinking of situations that were just accidents. SG72 I understand your concern if things like this were more deliberate than accident, but I would think that would be a sign of a deeper problem.

I too have done the forget a kid's name, or birthday and that is usually meet with an eye roll and some comment about my sanity.

I do hope y'all know that this is an attempt on my part to buy insurance for myself, so in the future when I screw up I can point to this thread and say, see they thought it was funny. :)
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My 2 cents… If a wife, single or plural, gets mad at an accident...you don't have proper control over her.

Yep. Turning a mistake into a cardinal sin would be her attempting to exercise control.

Although, some women may pretend offense while giving you 'a look'. But thats just flirting.
Depending on how “thrilled” each wife is about plural marriage and the relationship each wife has with each other, I can see how an accidental slip up can bring up emotions. Say you call her by the others name, if she is not in a sound headspace, she will naturally have the feelings of, “oh I bet you just wish I was her.” Of course satan will use ANY opportunity to make her feel inadequate and/or not important in your life, ESPECIALLY with plural marriage in place. Should she turn that in to a huge issue, that’s on her and something she needs to work on.
This could be a real problem for me lol. Not in introductions but in situations where I'm distracted or frustrated I yell at my children using my little brother's name. My little brother is 28 years old and served our country honorably overseas and is probably not messing with the curtains or playing with the chords under my chair but somewhere in my mind he's still toddling around touching my stuff.
Bwahahahahaha! That is cute! As a mom do you realize how many times we call our children by another name. I have called my daughter my sister's name. I think there are times when we are with someone spouse or other who will say or do something that will remind you of someone else and that person's name will come out. I don't think it is bad unless you are being triggered. We all make mistakes. It is what it is, don't get to upset with yourself.
I hope you feel better
I've called Cheryl my ex-wife's name many, many times (both names start with a C, hasn't happened in years, but used to quite a bit). I've also called Mark Paul, Hannah Laura, and Neil William over and over (still regularly referring to Mark as Paul) due to resemblances between the pairs.

How much that bothers you is a choice you make.

I have 10 hours in the T-34 training as a Navy pilot. I was really good at ground school...but when i got up in the plane my mind stop working, but it was very interesting. Your mind has a front part that wants information. And there there is a back part that provides information. You see someone and you think "What is their name?" and magically the name arrives. It is like a computer. You input the request and the result comes out. Usually this process happens so fast you do not even notice it.

In the plane the front part of my mind worked fine. I knew exactly what I needed to know. But the back part of my mind shut down. I could not get any information out of it. It was so bad I could not understand english on the radio. I could hear them talking, I knew I needed to understand what they were saying, but I had no idea, and no amount of concentrating would help. My flight instructor helpfully pointed out that flight trainees who spoke english as a second language were better than me.

Anyway, the mind is a funny thing, and it is not always 100% accurate. I call my kids by the wrong name all of the time. Sometimes I cycle through them until I land on the right name. I wish my mind was a perfect instrument, but it is not.

As long as there is no malice, I think it should just be laughed off or ignored.
Peak performance is achieved when you call them by the name of a person with whom you are presently not on good terms with.

As has been said, letting it become a “hurt” is a choice.