I would like to see such allowance, for I fear I have missed something. Every time the scripture says "church or churches" (with only one exception out of 114 references to church and churches in the KJV) it is the Greek word ekklesia. As I understand this word, it is a called out assembly. I tend to think that the idea of a universal church, is 1. Biblically a future gathering in heaven and 2. On this earth, a Roman Catholic idea keeping control over the people of the world through religion. Keep in mind that Catholic means universal.Although Scripture provides allowance for this in the sense of the "universal church,"
It should be noted that the New Testament pattern did not create para-church organizations outside of the church structure to accomplish this goal.
"God is known where humanity is cared for
John Whitten said:Although Scripture provides allowance for this in the sense of the "universal church,"
I would like to see such allowance, for I fear I have missed something. Every time the scripture says "church or churches" (with only one exception out of 114 references to church and churches in the KJV) it is the Greek word ekklesia. As I understand this word, it is a called out assembly. I tend to think that the idea of a universal church, is 1. Biblically a future gathering in heaven and 2. On this earth, a Roman Catholic idea keeping control over the people of the world through religion. Keep in mind that Catholic means universal.
I do think that if the universal church thought is pursued to it's conclusion, the Pope will be in charge of all Christendom by right of a false claim.
I am interested in evidence and possible views, I may have missed.