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Is One Wife Enough?


Seasoned Member
Real Person
This topic came up in the Ladies only section and I did not feel qualified to respond in that forum.

Recently someone posted that she felt that she was not enough for her husband because of his desire for another wife. I thought I might try to explain it from one man's perspective.

I have one wife and 5 children. All blessings. Would one child have been enough? Yes. But that does not mean I did not want to be blessed even more. 5 children are a great blessing. There are such a great blessing that I wanted as many children as God would give me. The fact that I wanted more than one child is not in any sense from an idea that the first child was inadequate in any way. In fact the opposite was true. The joy of having one child encouraged me to eagerly desire more such joys.

The scope may be different. For example, it is perhaps easier to support a dozen children than it is to support a dozen wives, but, at least for me, the psychology is basically the same.

On the rare occasion when my wife and I are on the outs I do not feel like finding a live in replacement because she is inadequate. No. Rather what I feel like is quite the opposite: I feel like being single.

So if the man wants to be a polygamist it is a complement to the first wife and a vote of approval. He views you as a great blessing, a blessing that he would love to have more of if the Good Lord sees fit to grant it to him.

I hope this helps.
So if the man wants to be a polygamist it is a complement to the first wife and a vote of approval. He views you as a great blessing, a blessing that he would love to have more of if the Good Lord sees fit to grant it to him.
this is true in a great many cases.
but sadly, it can be about power and control.

back to the positive side;
some men that i have talked to have a great desire to see women be allowed to have good situations (loving, stable, secure, protective relationships). these men have felt that they had the capacity and the ability to provide a loving relationship for more than the one that they were married to. they actually felt "under utilized" in their current relationship.

please forgive me, i do not feel that i am being able to get my feelings across here, but it will have to do untill i can communicate it better *shrug*
Well-said Cnystrom!
I get you Steve. My post was just my own thoughts. Obviously motivations and character can vary widely and for those thinking of taking this step the character and motivations should be a primary discovery area to work on I think.

Thanks Oreslag!
Steve, some of us know about the control and power thing more than others. It can be both (though I don't think that it can be both scenarios in the same person). It can be either about love or it can be about power.

Unfortunately for me, it was about power and control in my life. Fortunately for me, I finally gave that back to God to whom it rightfully belonged in the first place.
Carolina Butterfly said:
Fortunately for me, I finally gave that back to God to whom it rightfully belonged in the first place.
... And isn't it interesting that when we do so, He promptly says that He's setting us FREE, rather than controlling us? We serve such an awesome and amazing God! :D
I suppose another question could be asked to select individuals, "Is one wife TOO MUCH?"

There are some men that really should not be married. They have not achieved the maturity or the resources to adequately support and provide for even one wife, and I mean that not only from a financial perspective, but also from an emotional and spiritual one as well.

One wife is enough if that is what you are qualified for.


Absolutely agree with cnystrom. I have similar feelings but when I told my wife about polygamy she became upset and even though I tried to help her see it clearly she was unmovable. What should I do I? Do you guys know anyone who succeeded making their first wife ready for a second? I do want to have an additional wife. I believe it is my decision if I want to have one or not but I do not want to force it if she will be broken hearted.
cnystrom said:
So if the man wants to be a polygamist it is a complement to the first wife and a vote of approval. He views you as a great blessing, a blessing that he would love to have more of if the Good Lord sees fit to grant it to him.

That is a truly great standpoint you have detailed. I'll try to remember that.