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Is Polygamy Sinful?

I posted a couple of responses, Doc, and seconded your challenge that the blogger study for himself -- and take a look here.

I will admit that hearing someone describe Driscoll's tripe as "persuasive" was a bit distressing. I guess it's an excellent argument for those who have chosen to keep their children away from the Publik Skools that they've made the right decision. :roll:
It's a wonder that someone like Driscrol who can't tolerate anything that isn't 'now' would regurgitate such old, traditional, and dogmatic arguments against polygamy. That guy is rebelling against anything traditional that is good, but if there is tradition that needs changing he's parroting it worse than the rest.
If there's a better definition of a servant of the Adversary than that one, Jair, I'd probably be surprised...
Tlaloc said:
It's a wonder that someone like Driscrol who can't tolerate anything that isn't 'now' would regurgitate such old, traditional, and dogmatic arguments against polygamy. That guy is rebelling against anything traditional that is good, but if there is tradition that needs changing he's parroting it worse than the rest.

This would make a wonderful and hilarious post on his site. LOL
Sure, IIRC I said something along those lines in another one of the Driscol related blogs you referred us too recently.

Either way its easy to copy and paste :)