James A
I recently have been looking into the Bible a lot and have come to a thought that I feel has not been touched on in detail. So here goes. Lets say a man marrys his first wife. They therefore become one person. Holding that thought in your mind the one flesh then should not both the man and the wive vet potential the next wife. Say the hushband finds a potential 2nd wife. Should the wife not sit down and talk with her to see if she has the gaulities that would benefit and enhance the marraige of the first wife and hushband. I think in the instance Of the first wife if she is out shopping and makes a new friend and she is a perfect fit to add to the marraige they start preparing her mentally and emotionally to the possiblity of marraige. Or do you think the man should do everything and the ladie sit idol once again I am asking for advice not to be disected in my words that the thread does not leave any fruit for us to learn