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It's A Man's Job To Repair His Wife

You mean the totally discredited Eddie Long who looks for hook ups with men on Craig's list? He is a fine one to talk about being "whole" before marriage....

Yeah, I am not likely to believe anything he says.

OMG! Didn't know that.

Did you watch the video? Another book I read has a wonderful quote, "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance—that principle is contempt prior to investigation."

Mother Theresa was a sinner. Does this revoke all of her good deeds or all of the truth she spoke. I can tell you somewhere was a brother, sister or parent saying, Yeah she may be a saint now, but you should have known her when......"

Isabella, I can bet there are areas in your life where you do things "sinful," it doesn't mean we don't listen to you.

God says that sin is sin. All of it from the littlest white lie to mass murder will send us to the same burning inferno. Good luck with pious indignation, seemed to have worked well for the pharisees.

captainjonathan said:

Did you watch the video?

Yes and to the end too.

Mother Theresa was a sinner.

Was she? How so? I just thought she was a nun who spent her life dedicated to charity. If she had a previous life as a master criminal I have no idea of it. Makes no difference to me either way.

Isabella, I can bet there are areas in your life where you do things "sinful," it doesn't mean we don't listen to you

I am FAIRLY sure what I consider sinful and what you consider sinful are widely divergent. As it happens it is up to you whether you wish to listen to me or not, as for me, that particular man has no credibility in my eyes and what he said in the video, that I watched all the way through, was not particularly insightful or enlightening to me, I have heard much more, said better by many people including some very wise ones on this very forum.

So, I really don't see the point in your little speech about my indignation thanks all the same....

CecilW said:
OMG! Didn't know that.

Cecil, where have you been? It was all over the place a couple of years ago. Not only was he coasting for casual sex but he is also accused of pressurising vulnerable young men he was supposed to be counselling for sex. This makes him thoroughly unethical in my eyes. The idea that he can repair his wife's failings by his 'completeness' is laughable. She is divorcing him and not too unexpectedly, their marriage was a sham.
Was she? How so? I just thought she was a nun who spent her life dedicated to charity. If she had a previous life as a master criminal I have no idea of it. Makes no difference to me either way.

Isabella, I can bet there are areas in your life where you do things "sinful," it doesn't mean we don't listen to you

I am FAIRLY sure what I consider sinful and what you consider sinful are widely divergent. As it happens it is up to you whether you wish to listen to me or not, as for me, that particular man has no credibility in my eyes and what he said in the video, that I watched all the way through, was not particularly insightful or enlightening to me, I have heard much more, said better by many people including some very wise ones on this very forum.

So, I really don't see the point in your little speech about my indignation thanks all the same....



You might be surprised. I work an event not too far from my home called Burning Man. I used to bartend on Bourbon St in New Orleans. I have had a pretty wild life, it is just that God got ahold of me. That being said, I did not preface my assertion of sin in your life by my standard. Paul says (Bible) that what I want to do, i do not do, and what I dont want to do I do. The point being that every human I have ever met at some point breaks their own moral code thus sinning. Sin (definition) being missing the mark (especially in an agnostic or atheiests case one set by themselves) In terms of Mother Theresa, I will quote the Bible, "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Being that this is Biblical Families, it seems appropriate to address my responses within the framework of the Biblical beliefs. As I read back into God's Word, I read of a King named David. David (I am sure you have heard his story) was a murderer and adulterer AFTER God had appointed David as King. This action did not eliminate all the good that David did before or after. After the sin and repentance, David and Bathsheba had another child. That child also found favor in God's eyes and became King (Solloman) So in this example you had Godly man, horrible sin, repentance and restoration and Godly man again. My point is not to discount the work of God's word in someone because they also fall to temptation.

And the final little speech was playful sarcasm, i should have added emoticons to show this. I apologize.
captainjonathan said:
In terms of Mother Theresa, I will quote the Bible,

Ah, so this is less about Mother Teresa, that is how you see everyone according to religious beliefs, ok that is fine. It isn't really how I see the world so I can't really answer your question.

My point is not to discount the work of God's word in someone because they also fall to temptation.

YMMV but I think integrity is too important to dismiss.

And the final little speech was playful sarcasm, i should have added emoticons to show this. I apologize.

Apology accepted. :)

I haven't watched the video, but even BLIND pigs find acorns once in a while.
I agree with Isabella that it is very difficult to take Mr. Long at his word when his actions have strayed sooooo far from what he is preaching. Does this make his words untrue? No. Just hard to swallow from one with such a very well documented, very recent past.

I also agree with Hugh. A man's words can be true even if his life isn't.

Katie - who is obviously in a very agreeable mood ;)
Isabella said:
Cecil, where have you been? It was all over the place a couple of years ago.

I really don't keep much track of the faults of others, BMD (Bels, My Dear! :lol: ) Well, not unless it keeps getting shoved in my face ...

Much more interested in their ideas, while clearly recognizing that they may personally fall short of the ideals they espouse. (Sadly, I too often do as well.) It's a Bible thang. It says a righteous man falls 7 times but gets up 8, meaning, well, you get the drift.

So I'm back to the message of the video. However worthy or unworthy the man was to deliver it, I still find it thought provoking and a worthy ideal -- whether he or I or anyone else I know could carry it off or not.

It's kinda like ... I know that a well constructed 100% raw vegan diet (or mostly so) is probably the best on the planet. In fact, I love to tell folks about it. But am I living up to it myself? Um ... Pizza, Pad Thai, Tacos and Burritos, Potato Salad, Fried Rice & Spring Rolls, Apple Fritters & Pumpkin Pie, Crackers n Cheese, Hoagie Sandwiches, Lasagne, Green Bean Casserole, Potato Soup, Cookies & Carrot Cake ... THIS little green duck just wades right in! :lol: :lol:

Still, the ideal is the ideal. And the more raw that is incorporated in my diet, thew better I feel.

So perhaps, the message delivered by this video is worth considering, regardless of the delivery vehicle. Whadday'all think? :roll:
what he said about whether a man should forgive i found interesting.

was the suit a cross between star trek and chairman mao?
not that i have a clue about fashion :D
A husband is responsible to teach his wife, but healing comes from the Lord. She must also be willing to accept healing. I have been damaged through my life, but it was up to ME to seek healing from the Lord, not hubby to do. He may be one of the vessels that God uses in my healing but the "repair" ultimately comes from God and can come in whatever form God chooses to use.

Wow I would hope you all not listenting to Eddie Long, Isabella your the only one who pointed this out, yet not being a believer. We should be aware of false prophets.
I didn't think calling him a "Blind Pig" was exactly laudatory.
we decide whether a man speaks truth by comparing it to the Word. truth has been spoken by many whose lives have not measured up.
He who was perfect no longer walks among us in human flesh.