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Keep your flirt on


Real Person
Just saw this from a non-BF friend on Facebook. Sounds like mighty good sense from my male perspective.

Dani Johnson said:
I am thoroughly convinced that I have got to stay in the girlfriend category with my husband vs a modern Jezebel wife!!! He really likes his girlfriend. I really like being his girlfriend. The modern wife is more like the mans mother YUCK!! No one likes being told what to do!! WIVES-be his girlfriend tonight!! Stop being a modern day wife (nag)(his mother). You will be much happier...put your flirt on baby!!
Sorry darling I'm just your girlfriend, no snuggly buggly tonight!

I reckon there are some mighty good advantages to being married :lol:

But seriously, good idea re the flirting. It's fun ;)

This whole nagging thing annoys me. I try very hard not to nag, though I do occasionally remind him of things. It's hard to find a balance so I ask him to let me know if I'm bugging him. Working great so far!
A 'nag' is the result of a woman having to ask you to do something you are supposed to do more than once!

Take out the garbage when you are supposed to....nagging problem fixed!!!

But it is true, no one is attracted to someone they have to Mother.
Isabella said:
A 'nag' is the result of a woman having to ask you to do something you are supposed to do more than once!
Quite seriously, that has never been the problem with any 'nag' I've known. I find it much more common that a woman who most people consider a 'nag' is simply one who expects everyone to jump the moment she barks an order. From the dictionary: "to annoy by persistent faultfinding, complaints, or demands." Note that this definition does not imply simply reminding someone to do something they've agreed to do.

Perhaps the problem is that some men refer to a woman as a nag when she really is not a nag; but rather he is a sloth. :-D
Oreslag said:
Perhaps the problem is that some men refer to a woman as a nag when she really is not a nag; but rather he is a sloth. :-D
Or perhaps he is simply unwilling to do what SHE has decided and announced that he must.

Either way, playing the nag is gonna get her far less in the good marriage dept than will playing the flirtatious girlfriend, according to Dani Johnson. And I am inclined to agree.

Now on to the subject of what to get the dad who has "everything" for Father's Day. Hmmm. A concubine? :lol:
CecilW said:
Oreslag said:
Perhaps the problem is that some men refer to a woman as a nag when she really is not a nag; but rather he is a sloth. :-D
Or perhaps he is simply unwilling to do what SHE has decided and announced that he must.
We've gone in a circle: making demands places her squarely in the nag category, at least by the definition I cited. Thus, if she demands, she is a nag. If she reminds, he is a sloth. :-D

My point was to Isabella's comment that people see a woman who reminds as a nag. Such people simply place the blame wrongly. Reminding someone to do something they're "supposed" to do (where "supposed" in the case of a husband implies he has agreed to do it or it is his self-imposed or God-imposed responsibility) is simply reminding them. To be a nag, one must demand when one has no business making such a demand.
Oreslag said:
My point was to Isabella's comment that people see a woman who reminds as a nag. Such people simply place the blame wrongly. Reminding someone to do something they're "supposed" to do (where "supposed" in the case of a husband implies he has agreed to do it or it is his self-imposed or God-imposed responsibility) is simply reminding them. To be a nag, one must demand when one has no business making such a demand.

Thank you, that is exactly what I meant.
Well stated, Oreslag.

But having agreed or not, and he very well may BE a sloth, Dani's point bears serious consideration. Will a woman get further in her marriage relationship, perhaps NEED to remind less, if she focuses on being the flirtatious girlfriend and skips being the nagging or reminding (depending on definition) wife?

Maybe so. Maybe not. Perhaps some men would be inspired to be better men by the girlfriend attitude, while others truly would simply accept it as their due and become even bigger twits.

However, twits aside ... for those of us who ASPIRE to be truly great husbands, I suspect that Dani's hypothesis is valid.
to me a lot depends upon the definition of the word flirt. if teasing and joking around are considered flirting, we do a lot of it.
ok, we do an awful lot of it!

sexual flirting? not so much, just not drawn to it. really glad that my parents were not into it in front of us kids! :roll:

girlfriend? best friend is so much deeper and sweeter!