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Kitchen Nightmares


Seasoned Member
Real Person
Sometimes I have too much time on my hands.
So I watch YouTube stuff.
For some reason, even though I hate negativity, I enjoy watching all of the situations that Chef Ramsey gets into. He does have a mouth that can curdle milk at ten paces, but he can get to the bottom of issue after issue.
Some of the restaurants are families that he helps sort out. Sometimes getting the patriarch to lead, sometimes exposing the wannabe patriarch as a failure. But every time seeking a solution that gets people working as the team that they need to become.
He brings out abilities/skills in seemingly unlikely people.
Mostly he doesn’t reject people as failures. He tries to build them and they fail after his departure.
The most interesting part, to me, is watching people’s egos reacting to someone who knows vastly more than they do. They are Kings in their domain, but they are failing. They are an example to me about how easy it is to be out of touch.
When I married Steve I literally had no experience cooking and that was supposed to be my job in the house. Culinary school fixed a lot of things with me but I'll still admit I'm always learning new things.

I liked Mr. Ramsey on 'Hell's Kitchen' because where he is so critical it makes his compliments all the sweeter! People who hand out 'feel good' compliments while never uttering a criticism are to me liars and their compliments meaningless.

Besides you don't learn anything when people don't challenge you. I'd rather hear an uncomfortable truth and force myself to learn from it than to hear a sweet lie and think myself good at something when in fact I am not.
Have you seen the British version? The American one is very loud and dramatic. The British one is much quieter and I feel like Gordon does a better job there because he can get to the truth without having to yell and scream so much. He still swears just as much though lol.
Have you seen the British version? The American one is very loud and dramatic. The British one is much quieter and I feel like Gordon does a better job there because he can get to the truth without having to yell and scream so much. He still swears just as much though lol.
Some have commented that the American version is more scripted, as all of our reality shows seem to be.
I felt the British version was more subtle, but no less sharp.

The American TV audience seems to require a little more in your faceness about it.
I saw this post entitled "kitchen nightmares" and thought it was about sister wives not seeing eye to eye on how to run the family kitchen.
The struggle is real :cool:
Reality check here: I run the kitchen in our family and everyone else is happy to let me! :p
That’s an incredible blessing that it works out that way.
Amy helps a lot and both Cyd and Macy like to bake things. Steve sometimes cooks too. But most of the time it's me baking bread and getting two to three meals out every day.

Lately it's been two meals and like a couple light bites during the day. I mix it up and sometimes we do muffins or scones for breakfast and then a light lunch and a big dinner. Then sometimes it's a big breakfast, cookies/sandwiches and milk for lunch, and then a nice dinner. A few times it's been a light breakfast, a big spread for lunch, and dessert for dinner. It's just trying to make some interesting variety without making a lot of waste.