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Ladies and men: Your thoughts on this article? (male/female roles)


Real Person
Hi all

So in doing some looking to help give some outside perspective to my family about gender roles and stuff, I found this article (and the blog behind it). Reading through this... a part of me felt there are some good points in there. The other part of me REALLY hesitates with some of the language and phrasing. Especially the 'co-leaders' term and stuff.


But it got me thinking that I don't feel like I (we?) have a concise way to describe the gender roles for those not on the forums. In fact I'm not even sure I could come up with a good 'summary' argument. It would be super handy to have something on the site, somewhere, that concisely describes the Biblical arrangement for gender roles in marriage and what that looks like in practice. I get that every person is unique etc etc but there are definitely universals.
Hi all

So in doing some looking to help give some outside perspective to my family about gender roles and stuff, I found this article (and the blog behind it). Reading through this... a part of me felt there are some good points in there. The other part of me REALLY hesitates with some of the language and phrasing. Especially the 'co-leaders' term and stuff.


But it got me thinking that I don't feel like I (we?) have a concise way to describe the gender roles for those not on the forums. In fact I'm not even sure I could come up with a good 'summary' argument. It would be super handy to have something on the site, somewhere, that concisely describes the Biblical arrangement for gender roles in marriage and what that looks like in practice. I get that every person is unique etc etc but there are definitely universals.
I understand what she thinks she is trying to say, but her language and phrasing belie the feminism in Christianity today. Her version of submission and co-leading would not fly in ancient Israel and the problem would not be their culture. The problem is how unBiblical our churches are.

Frankly, just read a very refreshing book by Dr. Gina Murray, The Them in Him. She unappologetically, but with great compassion calls men and women on the carpet regarding their Biblical roles and lack of fulfilling them.
It's not super-complicated. Men work for God; women work for men. Beyond that there's not much of a formula, and different personality types will work out their division of labor and power issues in different ways, and that's okay (consider the DISC theory of William Marston). But net it all out, and my job is to serve Christ and their job is to serve me so that together we accomplish whatever it is God has tasked me with.
Hard to take her too seriously when she sets up strawman arguments on both what Christians believe and what feminists are objecting to.

a part of me felt there are some good points in there.

If you want to talk about the article, which points did you think were good?

Let's talk about those specifically because in general I don't see anything particularly good; just a creative retread of the same thing every church pushes on submission; albeit with a couple clever slight of hand arguments. Neutered leadership and submission in name only, submission when she wants to. Her points are contradicted by the scriptures she quotes and the ones she studiously avoids (or doesn't even realize exist). Her arguments from the Greek are both wrong and deceptive.

Her closing section is pretty good though, I'll give her that. Could be made stronger by pointing to the Gospel, but still good.
Another key to the truth is to substitute Christ and the church for husband and wife like Paul does and see if it still makes sense since the relationship is supposed to be a reflection.

That's the worst part. To much of the church it still would! In practice if nothing else. And that right there shows you the fruit of the Jesus as your boyfriend, easy believism, superstitious prayer Gospel the church has been pushing the last 30 years.