I am going to tell you a story and in it yes still need prayers. Anyone that knows me knows I am a big mama bear when it comes to my baby’s and more times or not family as well. This story starts 10 years ago when my younger daughter was diagnosed with asthma. Right after she was diagnosed she ended up at the hospital with Pneumonia. After going home from the hospital I started working with her doctors to help keep her asthma in control. With time after time going in because it still was just not working. Meds and meds being added and taken away. I kept saying that I think there is something more wrong. With not one doctor listening to me as the mom and just having a feeling that there was. It has been 10 years now and she just had to go to the hospital again for her asthma at her dads for a visit. I call the hospital to talk to the doctor like I do every time trying to make sure she is getting the right treatment for her asthma that she needs and trying to get a doctor to listen to me and look more closely at her to find out if there was something more. Well this time I finally found one that would listen and this mama bear was right. The doctor looked at her more closely and went back in to her history and tests that had been done. She found something. Something that explains why she has had a hard time all these years. It was right in front of all the other doctors faces and they over looked it every time. So now I know what is wrong but still need prayers that our Heavenly Father will still lead the way to the end. She needs a lot more tests now and doctors appointments but it will lead to a much happier and joyful life in the future for her. She will not have to suffer the way she has all these years. She should be able to enjoy her children hood like any other kid out there. I am so thankful for the doctor who listened and for God leading Madison to her.