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Marriage Is A Miracle


Real Person
Marriage is a miracle. With all the disappointments, distractions and dysfunctions in our sexualized world, to sustain a faithful, vibrant marriage truly takes a divine miracle every day – both to sustain our vital personal commitment and desire and to make the complex relationship of marriage work.


Agreed, but what is most amazing about marriage; as I have been married for 22 years, dated her for 3, as we grow older together that more comfortable I feel around her. I can only imagine what a second wife would be like, having to intergrate herself in some hard fought arguements, that have bound Karen & I tighter together.

As we start a new month, Karen & I are going to be doing the family budget. This issue is something that came about after years of fighting. We both have ALPHA personallities and we have found an ingenious compromise that works well for us. What or how do I intergrate a new wife into a plan that took years to perfect.

Lets talk about Toliet Paper (TP), should come over the top, NEVER under the bottom. Do you know how long it took me to convince Karen of the importance of that issue.

God has blessed me with Karen, He knew what I needed when she came into my life. It's all I can do (in my strength, not Gods) to be the man she desirves. God is working in both of us (I can see back over the past 25 years) how He is over-coming our complexities & difficulties (sin nature) to mold us in his image. This marriage is a lot of work - "...till death do I part".
