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Men what do you hate about women?

CharityNeverFaileth said:
My husband has told me recently that the makeup of a mans brain and women's brain has different thought processes.

This an interesting point because my husband and I last year had many disagreements of lots of sorts and he would tell me over and over again that the way I think is different then his and G-D literally made our brains differently. And we even talked about this in front of a clerk at some store and he was laughing and told us about this youtube video called "The Tale of Two Brains". I took his advice and we both looked at the video and boy let me tell you it was very funny, but at the same time it really truly opened my eyes to of how different my husband processes things. And after since we both looked at this video our disagreements and arguments have derastically became less and less. I definately encourage you and others to look this video up and watch it yourself or with your spouse. Just put tale of two brains in the search bar of youtube and it should be the first video you should see.
Thanks Charity, I will look the video up. Why the smily face Charity on one of the recent post. Do you and your husband both use that same username?
I heard the author of the book and his wife talking on a Christian radio show once. The one that cracked me up is that men have a box with nothing in it. So when you ask what they are thinking about and they reply "nothing" - they really do mean that they are thinking about nothing. I cannot even imagine!
Sharon- I was trying to quote what you said and it got all messed up and didn't turn out the way I wanted it to so I tried to fix it, but I ended up with two posts seeing that it was a little redundant I wanted to delete the one I didn't like, but couldn't see how I could delete it. So husband tried to see if he could delete it and still couldn't find the delete button. And we couldn't leave a blank text so he put a smiley face in it and submitted it. Being as silly as he is, he says you can blame this one on me by putting my name on it. So whenever I get the chance to blame yet another silly thing on my hubby I take it without hesitation so I put his name on the bottom. And yes we share the same screen name right now.

E- I too have such a hard time with the very thought that when my man says he's thinking nothing he really truly is thinking nothing. And sometimes I tell him it has to be IMPOSSIBLE. Haha

eternitee said:
I heard the author of the book and his wife talking on a Christian radio show once. The one that cracked me up is that men have a box with nothing in it. So when you ask what they are thinking about and they reply "nothing" - they really do mean that they are thinking about nothing. I cannot even imagine!

I asked Samuel about this and he says it's completely true, that he can think of nothing! My mind is totally blown! I wonder then, if men can concentrate on God easier. I get distracted, my mind is so busy all the time.


"God, thank you for providing us with so much food that our freezers are full and...I should really get some meat out for tea. Should think about tomorrow night too. *goes to freezer* hmmm, chops would be good, need the oven for that. I should light the fire in the afternoon instead of the morning to heat the water then so the oven will be hot. Do we have enough wood? Samuel needs to chop up some more to get into the shed for later. I wonder if he should do that tonight or tomorrow. If it is going to rain tomorrow he should do it tonight. Check the weather. *goes to computer to check weather. Facebook automatically comes up. Spends time on facebook then remembers to check weather* Weather will be nice. I should get a few loads of washing done. Should put a load on now so I can hang it out in the morning. *heads off to do washing*.

And that's if no children interrupt my train of thought ;)
Yea, the whole NOTHING IS ON MY MIND. I have asked my husband this so many times, and he always says nothing. In my mind I'm like yea right. Alot of assuming, when men really arent thinking about anything. Or maybe just something they dont want to talk about to us. :shock: LOL, but most of the time nothing.... it's funny, I want to watch that video just to hear that.
Hey, I watched the video that was recomended by Charity. Very very funny. I watched it with my husband. He disected some stuff while watching it, you know because some pastors are a little off but you know. During the video we opened up to each other about some things that were just sitting oon our minds about one another. Just simple things that he wants from me, and the video helped us get that small but big stuff out to help our marriage grow. I had such a great time, and I learned so much about my husband, and alot of stuff that he wants from me was confirmed.
Happy New year................................... :D
Okay....I'll bite, what the heck, i go back to work tomorrow. So here goes. Now this is in general.

1) Stop asking me "why" are want to discuss something that I have told you to do......Just do it and do it when and how and where I said do it.....We are not trying to be Bossy but there may be reasons we tell you to do something that we feel we do not need to sit down and have a hour long discussion about.....You are to be our helpmeets and we are your heads so just do it. Once you learn to finally honor and obey your husband in all things you may come to be thankful some day for it for it may just save your life.

2)Stop being so possessive of us and demand to always know where we are and what we are doing and with whom....we do not answer to you but to the Father.....except what we give you and go on about your business. Be happy. You do not need nor have the right to know everything...see #1 above

3)Get over all the jealousies...DEAL with them.....give them to the Lord and work through them......Yes contrary to what you believe we do care........but to keep hounding us about issues that you need to work out and get over, especially when it comes to seeking, dating / courting and or being in a Plural marriage, you are doing nothing to help the issues but are making them worse.

4) Do not push us into making a snap decision on anything.......We like to mull over things, pick stuff up and handle it, turn it up side down and right side up, we look at the future of something and figure the cost, we do not care ( usually ) what color it is, how pretty it looks or that it smells good.....we want it to work and do that what we are getting it for.......this goes for items and even an additional wife.......we think about stuff even when we say we are not.

5) Do not ask advice from us unless you are willing to do what we say.......contrary to what you believe and hear we do care about your problems and issues thus see #4 above about asking us to make snap decisions for you......we do really wish to help so just do as we say ( #1 above ) and you will be fine.......if you seek advice from another man or a lady friend on an issue that we have already told you what to do......guess what......you messed up and have shut the door on further advice from us so dont get mad, as you do, when we say..."i dont know" or" what ever you want / think"

This just a few.....fire away
Chaplain said:
We like to ... pick stuff up and handle it, turn it up side down and right side up, we look at the future of something and figure the cost, we do not care ( usually ) what color it is, how pretty it looks or that it smells good.....we want it to work and do that what we are getting it for.......this goes for items and even an additional wife...

Since there is variation among us here on the board, I thought I should respond to Chaplain's post by saying that I, for one, when choosing a wife, ...

Usually do NOT pick her up and turn her upside down. And while I do not care what color she is (although I am pretty prejudiced against green with jealousy), I DO prefer that she smells good. :o :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just one man's perspective. *grin* Sorry, Chaplain. Too good to pass up. :)
My husband wrote this, his name is Willie
It's a shame today that many men are afraid to engage their wives pertaining to correction. They allowing a jezebel spirt to control and manipulate and bring you to a silence in your own home. Adam was a coward for not speaking up about what happened in the garden. Because he heeded the voice of his wife instead of correcting her, now we are left with the curse toiling night and day.
Now women, the bible say that the man is the purifier of the women, Why is it that yall are so prideful and become so angry whenever we engage you with correction. The bible teaches that women are to subject to their husbands in everything, whether it's rules that we lay out pertaining to the household, or correction coming from the holy scriptures. You as women of God should learn to learn in silence, and excercise a great deal of humility, to be true women of God.
When I look at the world today, it seem to me as though women are running the household and men are like these silent Ahabs. We as men of God must learn to declare righteouness wihtin ourselves as well as our wives and children. We are the correctors, we are the leaders.
In the book of Timothy it talks about if anyone want to be a bishop he must rule his house well, so how can we do that if we are not excercising our authority properly in our own homes. Everything that I'm saying can only be accomplished through much prayer, self control; to sum it up being led by the Holy Spirit.
Always remember Jezebel is a warring spirit, and you need the full armor if you are going to engage her. It's a whole lot more I can say about this topic, but I'm gonna just end it with, I love you all, and I pray that men be men of God and women be women of God. And to my men have courage, God Bless.

And above all don't forget love, and it's not always pretty and fluffy like the media potray.
CecilW said:
Since there is variation among us here on the board,

True..... :D
sharonr said:
My husband wrote this, his name is Willie
It's a shame today that many men are afraid to engage their wives pertaining to correction. They allowing a jezebel spirt to control and manipulate and bring you to a silence in your own home. Adam was a coward for not speaking up about what happened in the garden. Because he heeded the voice of his wife instead of correcting her, now we are left with the curse toiling night and day.
Now women, the bible say that the man is the purifier of the women, Why is it that yall are so prideful and become so angry whenever we engage you with correction. The bible teaches that women are to subject to their husbands in everything, whether it's rules that we lay out pertaining to the household, or correction coming from the holy scriptures. You as women of God should learn to learn in silence, and excercise a great deal of humility, to be true women of God.
When I look at the world today, it seem to me as though women are running the household and men are like these silent Ahabs. We as men of God must learn to declare righteouness wihtin ourselves as well as our wives and children. We are the correctors, we are the leaders.
In the book of Timothy it talks about if anyone want to be a bishop he must rule his house well, so how can we do that if we are not excercising our authority properly in our own homes. Everything that I'm saying can only be accomplished through much prayer, self control; to sum it up being led by the Holy Spirit.
Always remember Jezebel is a warring spirit, and you need the full armor if you are going to engage her. It's a whole lot more I can say about this topic, but I'm gonna just end it with, I love you all, and I pray that men be men of God and women be women of God. And to my men have courage, God Bless.

And above all don't forget love, and it's not always pretty and fluffy like the media potray.

I am with you 100% and couldn't have said this any better. But if I may I'd like to add that as part of putting on the WHOLE ARMOR OF G-D is swinging the sword and our sword is G-D's word. So if this Jezabel spirit or any spirit of the darkness is plaguing you (the wife) or the family then you can tell that spirit to leave and never come back in the name of Jesus Christ.
Here's one of those funny things that went around. Not sure who put it together, but a copy is at http://imgur.com/6icZ3. Scroll down or click on it if you can't see the paragraphs of text below the picture.


  • her diary, his diary.jpg
    her diary, his diary.jpg
    73.2 KB · Views: 190
DocInKorea said:
For the record, I love women.
And motorcycles? :lol:

I'd be guilty of both. ;)

Fun post, Doc.
It's the ways that are hated.
Its the ways.
We choose to hate ways that are not of GOD.
If you dont hate the ways in yourself or whats around that is not of God you will never get rid of them.
Mystic, the diary story is just classic! You got to love the different ways men and women communicate. Though I still don't fully understand why God mades us this way...I'm still young though. ;)
Though I still don't fully understand why God mades us this way...I'm still young though.

Concerning the post from mystic. Julie B God did not make us this way. Our original makeup is perfect, we allowed and allow Satan to decieve us in a way which is not of God. God did not call us to be decieved. Why are we decieved, because we are the weaker vessel. I'm decieved when I see my husband, and he looks upset, he looks like he's going through something, and I start to think "Babe are you mad at me, did I do something"? When it is not the case. I'm insecure and this allows me to have these decietful thoughts, I dont know if any other women experience this but, it's something we have to overcome.
From my understanding confidence is attractive. Does anyone have any input on the confidence from a women. Women and men opinions please.

I know I may not get any opinions, but that's okay, just trying.