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Mike Huckabee equates polygamy to incest...again...!

I am actually not offended by this. The actual premise of what he says is:
if you say that two men is okay how can you say that one man and three women is not okay?

Of course the article is written to stir up emotions. And of course he is against the whole idea of all of it. But remember that he hasn't had the truth shown to him yet, so he is defending his ideals as vehemently as we all defend ours. The reality though is that he recognizes the hypocrisy of allowing an abomination before God (from the bible) and not therefore allowing polygamy.

I actually think it is positive. Because he is saying that hypocrisy is not acceptable. And we all feel that way.
Most of the commenters on that site, not surprisingly, were no more informed about the Bible than Huckabee. Many were even contemptuous of Scripture.

In such an environment, I like to shake up "both" sides of the debate -- the blind and the ignorant ;) -- with the idea that perhaps there might be one or two who would actually take up a challenge to "search out the Truth" for themselves:

Huckabee should try actually READING the Bible for once, rather than just making asinine comparisons!

While homosexuality and incest are BOTH explicitly forbidden in Scripture, polygyny (the correct term) is not only NEVER forbidden by God, but can be required (there are at least three such conditions in the Bible, which any literate pastor should know; any self-proclaimed "scholar" should be able to name at least the most obvious one).

And finally, there at at least two prophets (Ezekiel and Jeremiah, for starters) who write of God Himself as the Husband of more than one wife!

Huckabee should learn to “study for himself” before trying to play god and rewrite the Word.