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Modesty in the home


Seasoned Member
Real Person
When the time comes, you may find that your wives are better suited to living under separate roofs. It happens and there's nothing necessarily wrong with it. I know that's not a direct answer to your question, but it's a fine point that I think gets lost on a lot of folk.
The answer to this is unique to each family.

Some families, as mystic said, maintain the wives in separate homes. No problem.

Others all live under the same roof, but with separate rooms, and hubby rotates. PDAs (Public Displays of Affection) are based on that family's rules.

Other families sit down together and say, "We none of us got married to sleep alone". So they share one big bed in one bedroom. A bit hard to worry too awful much about what is visible or not in that situation.

Within that group, some say Yes or No to other things, or define appropriate places and times -- and some say anytime, anywhere.

Further, this may change over time. What seems to need boundaries, and raises concerns at the beginning may well diminish over time. Similarly, high hopes may be dashed on reality and it turn out that more limits are needed for one or another's sanity.

Finally, the definition of modesty varies. Some of us claim to have seen completely modest folks at nude resorts, and wildly immodest folks covered to neck, wrists, and ankle -- maintaining that modesty has more to do with the "old come hither" in the body language than the amount of yardage involved.

My best advice: Enjoy living. And seek another who enjoys living much as you do. As for your wife's concerns, perhaps if/as she comes to truly love both you AND her new sister wife, her concerns will ease, and she'll be as happy at seeing her be loved as in being loved herself.
As far as we know, Adam and Eve were the lone humans on the face of the earth at time of the fall.
They proceeded to cover themselves.
Enter their Creator who killed one or more animals (possibly friends of theirs?) and made from it/them more substantial coverings. Notice that He did not chide them for their bashfulness, telling them that it was not necessary.
Surely there is something that we can learn about modesty from this.
Shame was a result of sin. Not to say that absence of shame is the absence of sin, but if I don't feel shame being nude, then I don't see a need to cover up unless it offends someone else. Of course, my wife and I are on opposite sides of this... :roll:

The whole thing about killing an animal to provide a covering was a parallel to how, from then on, the shedding of blood would be required to cover their iniquity (sin).
steve said:
Notice that He did not chide them for their bashfulness, telling them that it was not necessary.

Really? As I read the passage, He said, (and this is paraphrased,) "Who told you that being naked was something that oughta make you hide? Wasn't Me!"

Regardless, whether PUBLIC nudity is or is not acceptable, and a case can be made both ways, it would seem that it is just fine within the marriage, tho opinions on how that should work out in a poly home DO vary, and are NOT part of what God adjudicated in the laws regarding correct execution of PMs. Unless someone has a verse for us?
1 Standup 3:13-15:

13 And he said unto them, Have ye not heard the flasher weather report?
14 Yet waiting upon the punch line, they spake not,
15 Whereupon he said, Behold, it is nice out; I think I'll leave it out
Oh, good grief!!! :lol:
CecilW said:
steve said:
Notice that He did not chide them for their bashfulness, telling them that it was not necessary.

Really? As I read the passage, He said, (and this is paraphrased,) "Who told you that being naked was something that oughta make you hide? Wasn't Me!"
If you take YHWH's statement out of context and twist it a bit, I can see how you might view it that way.

Gen 3:8-11
And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.
And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?
And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.
And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?

Their nakedness proved that they had broken the ONLY commandment that they had been given. They were hiding because they were afraid, not embarrassed. The question that you refer to was only part of His greater question, "who told thee..." being a bit sarcastic since the only other beings on the planet, that we know of, are the animals. What He was saying was; "And just how did you come to the realization that you were naked if you did not do exactly the opposite of what I commanded of you?"
It had nothing to do with Him trying to point out that they did not need to feel ashamed about being naked.
After explaining the curses that they had signed up for (by their disobedience) He then proceeds to make better coverings for them. Kind of a confusing message to give them if His first response was to chide them for feeling ashamed of their nakedness.
NetWatchR said:
Shame was a result of sin. Not to say that absence of shame is the absence of sin, but if I don't feel shame being nude, then I don't see a need to cover up unless it offends someone else. Of course, my wife and I are on opposite sides of this... :roll:
Good luck with that one, YHWH used an accident in which my right thumb was permanently shortened to convince me that my conscience needed to be renewed when I thought that I was clean on something.
btw: my wife questioned whether or not I was in the right before I acted on it. ;)
So we must agree to disagree, Steve.

I think my paraphrase is an accurate statement of the context, and that the only real contribution Satan had available to make to the human race was shame.
Leviticus 18:18

I believe that in prayerfully considering all possible scriptures dealing with our actions towards wives, we will find the peace and blessing God desires us to have. I also believe that if we seek to prove our point with the word rather than learn from it... if we try to force the heart and desires of another to change, we will surely know failure.