Melody and Chocolate girl,
I am so glad you are willing to "shoot the rapids" (as far as having your whole concept of marriage overturned is concerned.) I know I speak for all of us when I say that sometimes it is going to seem like your "raft has flipped," but if you are tied in, it will right itself and you and your "mates" (as in the Aussie sense) will spit out the stream and yell "whoo hoo!!" For me, it took several years to get to the place where I really saw for myself that plural marriage was indeed in the Bible and was just as honorable as mono marriage. I was all alone in my bed in Iraq when I had my big breaththrough, with just me and God. Becoming born again was the same way, all alone, in my bed, seeking Him. My point is that I agree with Julie B that this is first and foremost about your relationship with your Redeemer, and if you make seeking HIM and not a system of thought or marriage the most important thing, you'll do ok, even when you are feeling shaky.
I am more thankful than I can say that I have fellow Bib Fam "raft mates" on this journey, and I hope they bring as much joy and wisdom to you as they have to me.It was such a relief when I met Nathan and Julie the first time to find out they didn't have three heads,

but were just regular folks! :lol: Sitting in their kitchen and being around their really quite regular LIFE spoke volumes to me, and I hope we can be that for you as well.
Let me add my name to the list if you ever want to talk, and I hope you can start coming to the conferences. There is one next week and there is going to be a Women's Conference in October. Oh, and Melody, if you have been confused by all the theological shoot outs, just remember, not one argument is a new one, this stuff has been bandied around for centuries, and there will come a day when we all agree because we will "know even as we are known." You can count on that! Chew the meat, spit out the bones, be honest, seek God, love Him, His people and the lost, you'll do just fine. Welcome aboard, dears!