• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

New to this looking for others in va


New Member
Im new to this im trying to find my husband a second wice its so hard to do this ive asked people ive known but they turned us down as tbet dont believe, and we cant find the right church I dont understand whats happened to the world thete so against us but the bible was writen this way and we trying to follow it and are hearts. I would love to have a sister wife. If anyone knows some rescorces o go to to help find the write church and places for us. :p
Sophie717 said:
Im new to this im trying to find my husband a second wice

I really do feel that he needs to do the looking himself. That doesn't mean you can't be involved but he needs to take the lead in the search.
In any case, welcome to the group. :)
Welcome Sophie! I hope you find some good information and support here. We look forward to getting to know you better.
Welcome to the forums! Get involved, ask lots of questions. We have a private ladies forum as well, so participate in that.


Thank you for replying back to me, its so hard in this world and hard to find people that believe in the same beliefs, we are so alone in the state we are in, I have one friend that knows other than that no one, akso im helping more for the look of a wife cause its hard for my husband to ask a women, he likes when im more involved cause women are nicer to me than him they think hes a puvert, and he says I kniw him to well that I will help find him someone better than he could. But were not in a rush it will be are time when its time.
I totally know how you feel. I personally live in a very small town and it is hard to find ppl that I can talk to about the lifestyle.
[. I would love to have a sister wife. If anyone knows some rescorces o go to to help find the write church and places for us.]
We are also in VA, and Hubby and I are sort of looking for a sister wife.Like you we're not sure where to look, and I'm sorry I don't have any good resources to offer. I'm thinking just keep praying and if it's God's will for us He'll put her in our path. We thought we had the right one picked out a few years ago, but it wasn't to be. So now we've started to actively (again, sort of) look again.
I'll wish you good luck.
Hello we are also in Virginia. The search for a second wife is going slowly but we are committed to the process. The right girl is out there I know it.