To me the world is no scarier now then when I was a baby. I used to unnerve my sis in law by commenting as we passed semi trucks on the highway "There went sudden death" not because I like thinking about dying, or making her think about dying, but because we have no idea how close we ever are to death, or how many times God has saved us already. My comment to Emilie was because I have long felt secure in the knowledge that our lives are always and in every moment in His hands. That means that for me, I am as afraid of death as our sheep. Cars can pass six inches from their noses and they don't even flinch, because the cars haven't hurt them....yet. trains? Same story.
I don't know what the future holds, but I have every reason to trust and "fear not."
God put it in me to hope to see the end of the "red queen" and the demise of the evil anti god system that is trying to take over the world. I think these times are exciting!
Every day brings the world one day closer to His reign being fully established. Easy days or hard days, each one checked off is one day closer.
That's a good thought to go to sleep on for me.