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Nuts and Bolts: The Physical House


New Member
MickyH said:
spake unto us: " I think that separate living spaces [in Sister Wives] are fine, and esp separate sleeping quarters..They need something sacred between the two of them, no matter what two of them it maybe :)

i was wondering . . . how normal is the living situation on Sister Wives I cannot imagine there are that many really cool houses out there. I would think most people live in a normal three (or four) bedroom house and share a kitchen and laundry.

i was thinking my nearly 2000 sq ft home and wondered if it would be big enough. I have 3+ bedrooms upstairs. There is one large room that we have talked about the need (want) to wall off into another bedroom. So I am wondering is this way of living and sleeping in sister wives is normal?
I don't think anyone can call any family normal or not normal. Each family does what works best for them. Some of the families say they would need two kitchens. Some families need separate homes. Some families all share one bedroom and bed. I think that as a family you need to decide what is most comfortable for you.

We are all working this out one mistake at a time. A 2000 sq ft house is big, but it would all depend on the needs of your family.

sweetlissa said:
I don't think anyone can call any family normal or not normal. Each family does what works best for them.

We are all working this out one mistake at a time. A 2000 sq ft house is big, but it would all depend on the needs of your family.

I guess the better word would be common. I do not know I am trying to understand what many people do.
I DO like the Brown's home and I think with that many children it makes sense...but, part of the appeal of Poly was for me the communal aspect, having meals and doing things together, I wouldn't want to have a meal together only once a week like the Brown's do. However, they say their house was built BY a Polygamist so I assume that that kind of structure is a popular one amongst Mormon Polygamists.
However most of the Polygamist homes I have seen only have separate bedrooms for the wives and shared communal space, which is perhaps the most common over all.

I loved the Brown's home but would want to have a large common area as well, for full family gatherings.
I also like the idea of a "common meeting area" for the whole family along with some amount of separate areas for the wives. We eat all together almost every night, but we don't have that many people in our family either. I wonder why they DON'T eat more often together? But like Lissa said, you just have to work out what works best for your family.
