A conservative lobby group has announced a prize for the longest married couple in New Zealand. The winners were betrothed at the age of 6 in India, started living together at 19, and have been living together for almost 81 years now. Not exactly the story the group had in mind when they went looking for an example of a successful marriage I'm sure, but a wonderful story!
https://www.familyfirst.org.nz/2016/02/ ... -81-years/
So, anyone got a daughter suitable for my 6-year-old son? (just kidding!)
https://www.familyfirst.org.nz/2016/02/ ... -81-years/
Again, not exactly standard Western romantic advice - but advice that clearly works!We asked them how to make a strong marriage that lasts. Ganga said that in a long marriage there’s been lots of sacrifices, and she’s concerned that the young ones can’t tolerate anything and can’t make sacrifices. They have learnt to tolerate each other. She said that in every life, God’s given good and the bad and you have to work through it. They’ve had a long life and they’ve always had their ups and downs and it hasn’t been a bed of roses – lots of tragedies – but you have to live with it, and work through it. Their parents instilled in them ‘this is the way to do it and this is what you have to do’, and they listened to their parents – they never questioned them. The parents gave them advice and they just followed it, even if they didn’t like it. They knew that their parents knew better than them and wanted the best for them.
So, anyone got a daughter suitable for my 6-year-old son? (just kidding!)