• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Plural Marriage on JesusAnswers.com

OK, done.

(Once again, I had to start off by noting that I saw a LOT of "opinion", by way of "refutation", but very little in the way of "answers" from Scripture!)
I added here too, hopefully we can change some minds.

I didn't plug BF cause Mark already did it, and I would prefer to give the impression the support is coming from different places rather than look like we where sent there.

I suppose some people might call that unethical, but if they do thats a topic for another thread.
Tlaloc said:
I added here too, hopefully we can change some minds.

I didn't plug BF cause Mark already did it, and I would prefer to give the impression the support is coming from different places rather than look like we where sent there.

I suppose some people might call that unethical, but if they do thats a topic for another thread.

Only if they are more interested in arguing in defense of a false tradition than the Truth, Jair. ;)

As you noted, the link(s) have been published, and I suspect that those who genuinely want to "search out the Truth" for themselves will check them out. It is only natural that people who seek such things, particularly if it is a move in accord with His will, would eventually be guided in a common direction.