I fancy myself a bit of a prepper, not as much as I would like but still making strides. So the end result is that it is something that I think about a fair amount and all the more so with what I see as an upcoming cultural collapse on the way. I am curious though how many other families are prepping and what sort of steps you are taking.
Just to kick it off, what we are doing in a thumbnail sketch is boogie bags in the cars, alternative electricity is in process, spare room with a goodly amount of supplies, goodly amount of food, firearms and ammo.
Needs to be addressed though is communications, finish up the electricity issues, alternate water, building security rachetted up significantly... additional fire suppression and ability to produce food.
I am limited to a suburban environment and everyone's circumstances are different but it is a topic worth discussing whether you are one a farm, in the suburbs or in an urban apartment. Let's exchange some ideas.
Just to kick it off, what we are doing in a thumbnail sketch is boogie bags in the cars, alternative electricity is in process, spare room with a goodly amount of supplies, goodly amount of food, firearms and ammo.
Needs to be addressed though is communications, finish up the electricity issues, alternate water, building security rachetted up significantly... additional fire suppression and ability to produce food.
I am limited to a suburban environment and everyone's circumstances are different but it is a topic worth discussing whether you are one a farm, in the suburbs or in an urban apartment. Let's exchange some ideas.