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Prayer for job


Real Person
I am seeking prayers from all of you on behalf of my job. I found out last night that the company I work for is going to be selling off all of it's offshore holdings by the end of next year. Please pray that whoever buys the field I am working in, that they will keep me on. I know that the Lord has seen me through various layoffs as well as a previous buyout and am just asking for His continued watch over me and my job.

Blessing to all and THANKS!!
Chaplain said:
I am seeking prayers from all of you on behalf of my job. I found out last night that the company I work for is going to be selling off all of it's offshore holdings by the end of next year. Please pray that whoever buys the field I am working in, that they will keep me on. I know that the Lord has seen me through various layoffs as well as a previous buyout and am just asking for His continued watch over me and my job.

Blessing to all and THANKS!!

Just prayed for you brother.
You and your family are in my prayers.
You know that I will be praying for your work situation. You have been on the job for many years and I am certain that it would not work nearly as well without you.

Greetings Chaplain,

I will be lifting this very important need up to Yeshua, as His arms are never too short to reach us right where we're at! :) He knows our needs & hears the concerns and cries of our hearts, as He is always near. God was so good to our family as He provided a protective covering for our family when my dh had lost the job that he had been employed at for many years, when the company was bought out by a foreign company. It happened during 9/11 and everyone but a handful of the original employees were let go, without severance pay. It took almost 2yrs for my dh to get back into his particular field, but God was so good to provide other means of employment & blessings from other dear friends, family and our Christian community. Again God knows your needs and will never leave you nor forsake you. Find comfort & protection in His will, and others whom He'll place on your path to help & bless you and your family in your time of need. You will be covered with compassionate prayer! :)

Warm Wishes for Yeshua's Protection, Provisions & Blessings!

Faithful Servant
Just wishing to provide an update to this request and THANK all for the prayers.

Rumors are running like wild fire out here but still no word as of yet WHO is buying or WHEN the buy out will take place. I can still go to a contract outfit which is what will most likely happen as we may all be let go and not hired by the company that may buy us. So I am still in a wait and see mode. So I still covet your prayers during this time of being in the dark about the future of my job.


Well I have found out who is buying us out. It is a company called Apache. With this purchase, this will make them the largest independent producer in the Gulf. We had a meeting with their people this week before I came back offshore and it was one of those..."Hey look at us...We are number 1...We are your only hope.....Bow down and worshop us if you still want a job".........We have a job fair with them this coming Thursday (5/6 ) where we are to bring in our applications and resumes and have some one on one conversations. If they do not take us then we can get a severance(sp) package from the company I work for as of now. All I want is what the Lord wants. Please keep praying for me as I try and follow the leading of the Lord in this matter.

THANKS to all once again.
We will keep you in our prayers, may the Lord's perfect will be done in your life, and may He give you the strength to endure whatever may come your way.
Greetings & Blessings Chaplin,

First of all, I'd like to say that I'm thankful you were not on the oil rig that just blew up in LA! However, my heart and prayers go out to all families that had loved ones on that particular rig, that were hurt or possibly lost their very lives. Did you have friends or know of anyone on that rig? Well for sure I will keep you & your family lifted in prayer, for His will to be done in your life regarding your work situation. I pray for His hand of protection, wisdom, guidence, mercy and grace to be upon you all at this time!

F.S. :)
Update again............

Well it looks like I will not be working for Apache, the company taking over where i am now working. They were to submit written offers via our company e-mail no later than yesterday ( at least that is what we were told ) and I have as yet not received one. My last official day to work for Devon will be July 18th though I could be released before then. I am not allowed to work for anyone else until after July 18 or I loose any severance(sp) pay I am to receive from Devon. I ask for your continued prayers that the Lord shows me the door that HE has opened for me as HE is closing the door with Devon. I am trying to keep my spirits up about all of this but I can feel myself starting to get down about it. I know who is in charge and have placed it all at the Lords feet but it still hurts and is still depressing. SO....if you guys know of an oil field production company that is looking for a production operator with 30 yrs experience.......then drop me a line. :D

I will still pray for God's guidance in all things. God bless you as you seek the door he opens for you.

I'm praying for you daily. Keep the faith that God is leading and going to provide for you no matter what. Don't loose your joy, because He takes care of His people.

Re: Prayer for job------PRAISE GOD!!!!!

To all my friends here on BF------PRAISE BE TO OUR LORD GOD ON HIGH FOR THE ANSWER OF PRAYER. I wish to THANK one and all for your prayers about my job. As of this Thursday ( 6/10 ) I will be an official employee of Apache. They are the company that bought all of the Gulf holdings of Devon.
Again...THANK You and may the Lord bless each of you.!!!!
PRAISE OUR HEAVENLY FATHER IN THE HIGHEST! WHAT AN AWESOME FATHER HE IS! This is such wonderful news. I just sent Chaplain's Rose a pm this morning, before I saw this post.

Blessings to you and the family on this glorious day!
Awesome news Troy - we hope the new company is a long-term blessing to you and your family. (And that your rig will stay straight and true!)