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Prayer for Peaceful Demonstration


Real Person
"Quran-burning" Pastor Jones from Florida is going to be in my neck of the woods this Good Friday. A friend of mine has two sons that are police officers that are going to be on duty controlling the crowd during Pastor Jones' demonstration. Please pray that what Pastor Jones is up to is about peace not burning Qurans, and that my friend's sons are not harmed in the line of duty.

In Christian Love,
Oh my. I'll pray for them all. It seems like a lot of trouble making for no good reason, kinda like the funeral protesters. Sad. Sad.
Thanks for praying. My friend's boys are safe for now. Pastor Jones had to go to court as soon as the plane landed. Pastor Jones said that he will still pursue this next week. I'm surprised someone hasn't tried to kill him already. I understand what he is trying to do, but he is the wrong messager with the wrong why of approaching his argument. I mean what makes him think anyone would listen to him after he burnt their sacred book? Anyhow, it's not over yet. Please pray for protection for my friend's boys and innocent by-standers that might get hurt when/if Pastor Jones gets to fulfill his agenda. Prayers that Pastor Jones uses wisdom on his delivery of his message.
