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Prayer for relationships


Real Person
Just stopping in to say hi, we’ve been on here occasionally to read posts in the last while but have not been active. We’ve been too busy to really be involved. We could use some prayer. We have been in contact with a women I had a previous covenant relationship with and that didn’t seem to go very well. In addition we have been talking to another lady we met through ministry work. She is very interested in us but her parents are against PM. We’ve actually talked about it with them, as she still lives with them they have some impact on her life right now. So we are just letting it go for now and trying to continue building a relationship as friends.
Ephraim said:
Just stopping in to say hi, we’ve been on here occasionally to read posts in the last while but have not been active. We’ve been too busy to really be involved. We could use some prayer. We have been in contact with a women I had a previous covenant relationship with and that didn’t seem to go very well. In addition we have been talking to another lady we met through ministry work. She is very interested in us but her parents are against PM. We’ve actually talked about it with them, as she still lives with them they have some impact on her life right now. So we are just letting it go for now and trying to continue building a relationship as friends.

If she still lives with her father you should seek his blessing or not marry her.

Someone is trying to entice my daughter by suggesting she should not listen to me (or her mother). Very bad. Makes me doubt their character. Starts the relationship on very bad footing. Not recommended. It is also not very successful, as I have a great relationship with my daughter.
I agree with Chris. As long as she lives at home, she is still under her father's authority, even if she is of the age of consent. This is both Biblical authority and just plain, old-fashioned courtesy.
I would agree fully with both of you. It seems I left you with the wrong impression. I suppose I should have explained the situation better. The lady in question is almost 30. She lives with her parents only for financial reasons. Her father in the past was open to the idea of PM, at least for himself, his wife was against it so he dropped it. As for the daughter, the father wants to get to know us better and maybe talk about it later on. The mother is completely against it. We definitely do not want to come in between their family. So we are just friends and praying for God’s leading on the whole thing.