My wife and I have been corresponding with a woman for a while and we have all exchanged several dozen letters, we all became fast friends from the get go and all three of us are considering dating at some point. Her personality and characteristics fit into what our family emphasizes very nicely. There are, however, three points of disagreement on important maters. I don't presume to change anyone, I only want to build them up to who they are supposed to be, so if I thought these disagreements came from who she is then I wouldn't consider having a relationship with her at some point, but these views are reactions to certain, specific, painful events in her life. I believe with care and healing one view would soften to the point it was in line with us and the other two views would be the same as ours. Anndrea agrees with my assessment, so we are praying and talking. Weather she is for us or not I would like to see her helped through these things and come closer to Christ.
Thanks for you're prayers everyone.
Thanks for you're prayers everyone.