Just a quick report. The weather station is saying that we had 3 tornadoes primarily hit Sapulpa (SW of Tulsa) and Jenks. Fortunately no loss of life, some property damage and gratitude that they were smaller. They were a long track system and were in contact with the ground thru some very heavily populated areas. If they had been a little bigger it would have been a disaster like Joplin was a while back.
Thank you all for your prayers. Please keep praying. For some reason we have been hammered here in Oklahoma it seems almost nonstop this month. And there’s more coming this week. We are already having massive flooding in the Muskogee areas (about 45 min away) and just North of us about 5 miles is another watershed that is overflowing. (We are in no danger of flooding here). In the past week, 103 Tornado warnings, 208 Severe T Storm warnings, and 50 flash flood warnings.