• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

RE About Practical Plural Life FAQs


New Member
What does life look like in a Biblical family with two or more wives?
Last time I checked about the same as looks like in any other home that follows scripture just one or more wives!

How do you handle legal issues? Name changes? Estate planning?
We have a lawyer on retainer who is lets just say very well known for PM rights! As far as name changes Jennie put a Hyphen the our last name. Our lawyer took care of that. As far as estate we have wills both living and regular just in case. We found it very easy to include every one in this aspect.

What about private time? Holidays?
Private is divided equally every other day kind of deal (one wife Mon,wed,fri the other wife tue, thurs, sat. Then they split the Sundays so they each get two Sundays each. Holidays we spend all together, we are family after all!

Sleeping arrangements? One house or two? Kitchen sharing?
We have one house and sleeping arrangements are the same deal as private time! Cooking ect is just who ever starts it usually it is the wives together but every now and then I will sneak in there to surprise them with a big dinner. More so if they had a long day at work!

Finances? Does one wife work and one stay home?
Both could stay home but choose to work cause they want to be a supportive unit. Though my wives have a plan if one gets pregnant.

Visiting (hostile?) relatives? Church attendance? We have no hostile relatives! We told everyone up front we are a family! Either deal with it or come back into our lives when you can. No one objected after that. We have a church we go to it's Messianic and we are all welcomed with loving arms. I found being upfront about my beliefs helped me to find a place that would welcome us a lot faster than hiding everything!

I will add one more! How do you deal with problems in each marriage and between the wives? Jealousy?
We do it like this each relationship is its own even though we are one family. So I do not take my problems with first wife to second wife and vise verse. This stops them from getting mad at each other over a problem that can be resolved quickly. I stay out of my wives arguments cause I know they are both grown women and best friends and can handle their own issues accordingly. So far this has worked wanders and I have never been made to pick a side! Sure they get Jealous from time to time, but I encourage them to do something together. They call it sisterwives time,lol. Thus when I do that I make sure I do something nice while they are gone so when they come home they both know how much I love them!

Hey if anyone has anymore questions feel free to ask. I am not saying our methods will work for everyone, but hey they do work for us!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We are new to all of this & while we know that everyone's experiences will vary, this post was an exact answer to so many questions!