Matthew 1:24-25
Then Joseph, being aroused from sleep, did as the angel of the Lord commanded him and took to him his wife, and did not know her till she had brought forth her firstborn Son. And he called His name Jesus.
While reading today, I noticed something I never had before. Joseph took Mary as his wife, but did not know her until after Jesus was born (I knew that before).. BUT it made me think, I have seen the debate over and over "When is one 'married'? Commitment to be married or after sex has been consummated?"
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems pretty clear that sex in itself is not the cause of a marriage. It's the act of deciding and committing to be married, whether sex occurs that day or months later- either way one is married.
Sex has been an area of deep conflict in my heart since PM has come up as a possibility in our lives. I have felt (I know, feelings are not a basis of facts- but hey I'm a pregnant woman and am emotional sometimes) that if my husband were to have a sexual relationship with another wife, their sex life somehow diminishes my role/ my worth in his eyes. I am not as needed in his life, not as wanted.
However, if sex were the "seal" to make a marriage than having his desire be divided between wives, makes it so that when sex isn't happening as often, the marriage is not as strong.. When a SW comes into the picture, I will not have the option to be intimate with my husband everyday, which in return led me to feel like my "marriage" could crumble (based on the sex is marriage mindset).
All of that to say, I found comfort in that verse reaffirming to me that marriage is more than sex. Sex is the gift that comes with marriage, but sex is not what defines my marriage. I know sex is the area that many first wives struggle with, and we have a hard time getting over it when a new relationship is added. So any other FW reading this, take heart, your role as a wife in marriage is not diminished, weakened or less valuable because your husband has another intimate relationship with another wife.
Sex is the beautiful gift, but the commitment is the glue.
Then Joseph, being aroused from sleep, did as the angel of the Lord commanded him and took to him his wife, and did not know her till she had brought forth her firstborn Son. And he called His name Jesus.
While reading today, I noticed something I never had before. Joseph took Mary as his wife, but did not know her until after Jesus was born (I knew that before).. BUT it made me think, I have seen the debate over and over "When is one 'married'? Commitment to be married or after sex has been consummated?"
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems pretty clear that sex in itself is not the cause of a marriage. It's the act of deciding and committing to be married, whether sex occurs that day or months later- either way one is married.
Sex has been an area of deep conflict in my heart since PM has come up as a possibility in our lives. I have felt (I know, feelings are not a basis of facts- but hey I'm a pregnant woman and am emotional sometimes) that if my husband were to have a sexual relationship with another wife, their sex life somehow diminishes my role/ my worth in his eyes. I am not as needed in his life, not as wanted.
However, if sex were the "seal" to make a marriage than having his desire be divided between wives, makes it so that when sex isn't happening as often, the marriage is not as strong.. When a SW comes into the picture, I will not have the option to be intimate with my husband everyday, which in return led me to feel like my "marriage" could crumble (based on the sex is marriage mindset).
All of that to say, I found comfort in that verse reaffirming to me that marriage is more than sex. Sex is the gift that comes with marriage, but sex is not what defines my marriage. I know sex is the area that many first wives struggle with, and we have a hard time getting over it when a new relationship is added. So any other FW reading this, take heart, your role as a wife in marriage is not diminished, weakened or less valuable because your husband has another intimate relationship with another wife.
Sex is the beautiful gift, but the commitment is the glue.