Faithful Servant
Greetings Sisters in Christ,
Just checking in with a friendly "Hello & how do ya do?" Praying that you're all enjoying and learning from the journey Yeshua has you on.
And speaking of journeys, who here among us would be willing and able to share a little about your discovery's & journeys with pm?
Denise thank you so much for originally bringing up this topic, from your question of how has pm effected our lives/outlook. Great question/great topic & extra food for thought as they say!
I know that we've all shared a little from time to time, which was a helpful blessing to hear some of your lovely testimonies. However for those of us who are still prayerfully seeking Yeshua's will for His Best for our marriages, for those of us Sisters here who may have felt "the call" before our dh's, for those new in Christ or with unsaved hubbies, or hubbies "riding the fence as they say," it would be great if we could expound some more from these perspectives/situations.
KacyLynn & Shari have also provided great insights, compassionate testimonies & sweet encouragement as well. I believe that it was either Shari or Kelly Deeann who recently shared with me, that they were the one in their marriage to first "receive a call, or feel a prompting of the Lord towards pm," before their dh's did. They wisely & sweetly encouraged me to keep it lifted in prayer for Yeshuas will. I was also told that they felt as long as I was doing my best to stay in Yeshuas will with Godly Biblical balanced Submission unto my dh, that it was okay to sweetly, respectfully & calmly offer encouraging words regarding pm to my dh from time to time. Without nagging, whining or complaining. And of course, I fully agree with that approach! As I've shared my particular situation a few times before. I've said all along, I am studying, and applying biblical balanced Submission unto Yeshua & my dh alone. Through this journey & my submission, Yeshua has blessed & healded our marriage in many ways - Priceless!
So to follow the kind & wise advice I've been given, No I do not try to lead or boss my dh around in any way shape or form. Nor to I bug, whine or complain about the topic of pm or any other topic for that matter. I keep it lifted in prayer, and only on occasion do I quietly & sweetly bring it up to my dh briefly and then drop it. Stepping aside and allowing Yeshua to do the work that only He can do! I see it from some what of the same perspective of the Christian wife with an unsaved husband. Encouraging the unsaved or non interested dh in pm, by their loving, sweet, supportive & obedient words & actions. Who among us can relate? I would love to hear more from the Sisters in Christ here, who were the ones in their marriages that were first led towards pm. As I know there are a few among us. Could you share how it started for you and how you felt Yeshua led you to address it with your dh and how your dh came to be united in Christ with you regarding pm?
For now I'm feeling led to walk in calm quietness regarding this topic. As they say, "I've planted the seeds," now the rest is up to Yeshua for His will to be done in our marriage. If dh brings up the topic with me, as he does from time to time, I will try my best to wait for such moments to discuss it with him. I'm now walking closely with Yeshua, following His and my dh's lead. Finding His Peace, searching His Wisdom & finding Joy for the journey!
I so look forward to hearing back from as many of you lovely ladies here as possible. Continue on the path that Yeshua's placed you on. Go forth in His Might, Power, Love & a Sound mind. Be God led & be Blessed!
Warm Wishes,
Faithful (not perfect) Servant
Just checking in with a friendly "Hello & how do ya do?" Praying that you're all enjoying and learning from the journey Yeshua has you on.

Denise thank you so much for originally bringing up this topic, from your question of how has pm effected our lives/outlook. Great question/great topic & extra food for thought as they say!

KacyLynn & Shari have also provided great insights, compassionate testimonies & sweet encouragement as well. I believe that it was either Shari or Kelly Deeann who recently shared with me, that they were the one in their marriage to first "receive a call, or feel a prompting of the Lord towards pm," before their dh's did. They wisely & sweetly encouraged me to keep it lifted in prayer for Yeshuas will. I was also told that they felt as long as I was doing my best to stay in Yeshuas will with Godly Biblical balanced Submission unto my dh, that it was okay to sweetly, respectfully & calmly offer encouraging words regarding pm to my dh from time to time. Without nagging, whining or complaining. And of course, I fully agree with that approach! As I've shared my particular situation a few times before. I've said all along, I am studying, and applying biblical balanced Submission unto Yeshua & my dh alone. Through this journey & my submission, Yeshua has blessed & healded our marriage in many ways - Priceless!

So to follow the kind & wise advice I've been given, No I do not try to lead or boss my dh around in any way shape or form. Nor to I bug, whine or complain about the topic of pm or any other topic for that matter. I keep it lifted in prayer, and only on occasion do I quietly & sweetly bring it up to my dh briefly and then drop it. Stepping aside and allowing Yeshua to do the work that only He can do! I see it from some what of the same perspective of the Christian wife with an unsaved husband. Encouraging the unsaved or non interested dh in pm, by their loving, sweet, supportive & obedient words & actions. Who among us can relate? I would love to hear more from the Sisters in Christ here, who were the ones in their marriages that were first led towards pm. As I know there are a few among us. Could you share how it started for you and how you felt Yeshua led you to address it with your dh and how your dh came to be united in Christ with you regarding pm?
For now I'm feeling led to walk in calm quietness regarding this topic. As they say, "I've planted the seeds," now the rest is up to Yeshua for His will to be done in our marriage. If dh brings up the topic with me, as he does from time to time, I will try my best to wait for such moments to discuss it with him. I'm now walking closely with Yeshua, following His and my dh's lead. Finding His Peace, searching His Wisdom & finding Joy for the journey!

Warm Wishes,
Faithful (not perfect) Servant