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Should government get out of the marriage business?

Here in the US, the government has no legitimate (i.e. constitutional) authority to do many of the things that it does. Regulating marriage is one such thing. I'm still quite puzzled why it is considered criminal to break the law if you're not part of the government, but is not considered criminal when government officials pay no attention whatsoever to the constitution they've sworn to uphold.

In the case of marriage, it seems that the combination of the tenth amendment (i.e. powers not granted to the federal government by the Constitution, nor prohibited to the States, are reserved to the States or the people) and the fourteenth amendment (i.e. no State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States) plainly place marriage (and many other things) outside the purview of federal or state officials. Nevertheless, federal and state officials frequently specialize in the criminal activity of arresting, trying, and convicting people for violating laws which are themselves violation of law.

Unfortunately, it seems our Supreme Court fell down about a century ago and has not managed to get up since.
When asked how I can justify Biblical marriage when it is breaking the "law" I simply reply using the same verse most opponents do. "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's. The problem is they forget the preceding statement by Christ, Whose image is on this coin?

So then I ask them whose image is on marriage? I render unto God that which is God's. That means me, her, marriage, and quite frankly the entirety of Creation.
captainjonathan said:
When asked how I can justify Biblical marriage when it is breaking the "law" I simply reply using the same verse most opponents do. "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's. The problem is they forget the preceding statement by Christ, Whose image is on this coin?

So then I ask them whose image is on marriage? I render unto God that which is God's. That means me, her, marriage, and quite frankly the entirety of Creation.

I like to ask them what law polygamy is breaking, then ask them to show me an actual copy of that law, when it was passed, and what about it makes it apply to me. That pretty much ends it.
Oreslag, You are very right, however, there's no government in the US. The government You speak of, ceased to exist in December of 1860. Check out the "Leiber Code". That's the reason Your Constitutional arguements are worthless in a Corporation Court, which is what exists today. You are not a party to the Constitution, it is the Corporation Charter for the United States.
The Government is not in the Marriage business !!!!
The Government has not taken away Your Rights !!!
Today, This Arrangement of states, which was once known as the united states of America, is now, as many seperate Corporations, known as STATE OF, ____?____ , look on any map, it does not say STATE OF, ___?___, only the name of the state appears. All these STATE OF,'S, are subsidiaries of the Mother Corporation, UNITED STATES, since March 9, 1933, The Bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, and the removel of Gold as money, therefore, the loss of the ability of the People to own Private Property, meaning, also the loss of the man's right of ownership of His Wife and offspring, no marriage license requirement before 1933, only in incidents of mixed Race. NO Drivers license requirement, only in Commerce. No Birth Certificates, before 1933. No Social Security number before 1933.
WHAT happened in 1933????
Your Oppressors, allowed You to know what they had done, but nobody paid attention.
Now, the Biblical Enemies of the Israelite People, was at that time, set to Strip the People of their Rights, and Wealth, which They have been successful. Look around You today.
In 1933, The Governors of every state met and agreed, to Pawn every Title to Property, and the Title to all the People "Birth Certificate" for the collaterial on the Bankruptcy of THE UNITED STATES, to the INTERNATIONAL BANKERS. Therefore, the removel of Gold as money, slaves can't own property.
You Are in Captivity!!! by Your own Choice.
The Creator stated, "My People Perish for lack of knowledge"
Today, You deal in Federal Reserve Notes, "a promise that someday You'll get your wages" a crime in the Creator's eyes.
Without hesitation, You will agree that You are a CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES, "You belong to Ceaser"
You volenteered for a registeration number, "Social Security" without knowing it's meaning.
You pass Your seeds through the fires of Molick, "Birth certificates" for Your Offspring, Titles.
Today, This Country is operated by Agencies, and commissions, of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION, and it needs Your consent to deal with You, otherwise a CORPORATION, can only deal with a CORPORATION, through it's Attorney. STOP! giving Your Power of Attorney.
The only money, recognized in this Country is the People's signature. Check out the Securitization Laws, and the Uniform Commercial Code.
The CORPORATE Agencies, "government" is in business of Securitization of Your Signature for a profit, Your rights mean nothing to them. See: HJR 192, and it's related Public Laws.
All this info is written down, there's no secrets, but You will not be taught it in Public School, or Religious Cemetaries. The only way to learn is, show Yourself worthy to the Creator, and lots of time.
This whole Big Satanic System is just Smoke and Mirrors, once You understand Your own position. Then You can use it, and not be scared of it.
Your Rights have not changed, they're behind the mirrors.

YES!!! And we don't need the government to tell us that marriage is between a man and woman.
Simply put YES!

Having said that, I am new to this site, so my opinion is offered reluctantly, I have been reading on this site for weeks now and my wife and I am grateful for it's existence.

eternitee said:
Simple answer is yes - the government needs to get out of the marriage business

Back to the question. I am so glad when God brought Eve to Adam he didnot have to say, "Wait! I need to ask congress for a license!" and Isaac In Genesis 24:67 didnot have to stop and say, wait! Is this legal?
Gen 24:67
67 And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted after his mother's death. (KJV)
Marriage is and always has been a covenant between God, a man and a woman. (I am not differentiating whether the man is marrying his first wife or subsequent wives.)
I believe government mandates its involvement in marriage to minimise the need for God to be paramount in the marriage.