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Singleness is not an option, according to Genesis 2?


Seasoned Member
Real Person
If Genesis 2 is teaching against polygyny and instructing monogamy only, then it is also teaching marriage only. I guess singleness is a sin. Get married you single sinners!

IN REALITY, Genesis 2 is simply defining what a marriage is, not limiting the number of marriages a man can have. In the same way Genesis 2 is not commanding marriage even though it says "and [he] shall cleave unto his wife". It is not a command to marry, anymore than it is a command to marry only one woman.

Singleness is biblical, one wife is biblical and multiple wives are biblical. This is reinforced as we read the rest of Scripture. There is no need for mental gymnastics to explain the glaring lack of condemnation with regard to the patriarchs for taking multiple wives. Let us follow the text of Scripture, and not force our opinions into it.
No one is forcing opinions. I think that the thing most of us argue from a position of when people say hey Polygyny is sin when that’s not what the text of Scripture says and this is where we need to take a bold stand and say no it’s not sin just as singleness and monogamy are not sin. The monogamy only crowd pushes the idea that multiple wives is sin. This is where we get into the issue of making Scripture say what we want it to say rather than what the text actually says.
If you can’t provide a direct scripture that something is sin then it is conjecture and your opinion.
No one is forcing opinions. I think that the thing most of us argue from a position of when people say hey Polygyny is sin when that’s not what the text of Scripture says and this is where we need to take a bold stand and say no it’s not sin just as singleness and monogamy are not sin. The monogamy only crowd pushes the idea that multiple wives is sin. This is where we get into the issue of making Scripture say what we want it to say rather than what the text actually says.
If you can’t provide a direct scripture that something is sin then it is conjecture and your opinion.
I’m sorry, but I’m not sure if you are agreeing with me or disagreeing with me… or a little of both? This is not directed at anyone on the forums. My goal here is to take bad arguments against polygyny that I have found in various places and then write a short rebuttal against them. That way others here on the forums can copy and paste as is or tweak to fit with the discussion they are having elsewhere. I apologize for not clarifying that before! Are there any points in my argument against using Genesis 2 as a mandate for monogamy?
If Genesis 2 is teaching against polygyny and instructing monogamy only, then it is also teaching marriage only. I guess singleness is a sin. Get married you single sinners!
This is a useful argument to keep in the toolbox when discussing the faulty logic of "God's creation ideal." If 100% of the marital aged men and women are married at creation, and this is "God's ideal", then singleness is as wrong as polygyny - and perhaps moreso. Why moreso? Because polygyny can still fulfil the mandate to be fruitful and multiply. Singles can't (shouldn't).
This is a useful argument to keep in the toolbox when discussing the faulty logic of "God's creation ideal." If 100% of the marital aged men and women are married at creation, and this is "God's ideal", then singleness is as wrong as polygyny - and perhaps moreso. Why moreso? Because polygyny can still fulfil the mandate to be fruitful and multiply. Singles can't (shouldn't).
That’s true! Thank you for those sagacious additions👌🏼