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Spiritual Gifts - Take the Test!


Real Person

To help you evaluate your gifts I have included the following link. It should never be taken as an absolute assessment, but as a guideline to help you understand your unique calling in God. It would really be fun to see the results of the test, so I would like to encourage each person who takes this test to come back and post what your top three spiritual gifts are:

Took the test. Not sure what I wrote on the info sheet that was sent out so here goes.
1) Mercy
2) Serving
3) tie--Giving and Pastor / Shepherd
Chaplain, welcome to Mercy. Did you read where it says we are good at being counselors, but we have to be careful not to let our work consume us. I have been guilty of that and I bet you have too. What I would like you to do is encourage Rose to do the test. I would truly love to see where she comes out on the test.

Take care. You are home now aren't you?

Hey Lissa,
Do I EVER know about burn out......that is one reason I am not as active in my local church as I once was.......need to recharge plus I put a lot of time into my Chaplain's duties for my re-enacting Unit, the Veterans / Heritage group I am in as well as other side Chaplain items I do. Was asked to serve a third term ( 2 more yrs ) as the state Chaplain for my Veterans / Heritage group. I spoke to Rose tonight and she told me she had taken the test. Will leave her a message in the morning for her to post her top 3. As far as being home....got 1 more day then it's home sweet home. Then I know I will be able to get some needed sleep. This is how I look now :shock: ............. :lol:
Hey Yall,
I couldn't sleep and decided to see what new posts were here and found this one. I had a tie for number one and they were:
mercy, serving and pastor/ shepherd
my second was administration.
It's funny how The Chaplain and mine were a lot alike. I guess it's true what they say "the longer you are married to someone the more you are alike :D , but I have one question," who rubbed off on who?" :lol: ..... i guess I must be more tired than I thought because I totally lost the first response I sent :oops:
Evangelism 15

Prophecy 15

Teaching 15

Exhortation 14

Pastor/Shepherd 19

Showing Mercy 15

Serving 18

Giving 12

Administration 18

Not sure what they all really mean, but it's what it is.
Here's my results:
1. Showing mercy
2. Exhortation and Pastor/Shepherd
3. Giving
hopefully it means that since we've been shown mercy (from above) we should show mercy down here.
Not that we always get mercy from down here, but if I recall, we are to show mercy because we've received it in spite of what our fellow man does.
Then again, it could be because we've learned to be open minded to what scripture says.... OK, my brain is shutting down, must be because I've been painting today... :twisted:
The 9 spiritual gifts as I know them, in order of understanding, are:
Speaking in toungues
Interpretation of toungues
Word of knowledge
Word of wisdom
Discerning of spirits

The 5 gift ministries, in order of understanding, are:

The 9 Fruits of the spirit, in order of understanding, are:

The biblical Authority structure:
God submits to his Word
Christ Submits to God.
Men Submit to Christ
Women submit to Men
Children submit to Women

Never add or take away from scripture:
For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

the first 10 commandments of the Law
1. Thou Shalt Not have any other God's before me.
2. No Graven Images.
3. Do not take the lord's name in vain.
4. Keep the Sabbath Day Holy.
5. Honor thy mother and father.
6. Thou Shalt not kill.
7. Thou Shalt not commit adultery.
8. Thou Shalt not steal.
9. Thou Shalt not lie.
10. Thou shalt not covet.

The 7 Spiritual Commandments of the spiritual covanent with jesus
1. Rejoice evermore
2. pray without ceasing
3. In all things give thanks
4. Quench not the spirit
5. Despise not prophecying
6. Prove all things hold fast to that which is good.
7. Abstain from all evil.

The 2 most important Commandments in the bible are:
1. Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.
2. Love thy neighbor as you love yourself.

People like to confuse these things with each other saying that gift minstries are the fruits of the spirit and the gifts of the spirit are gift mistries and every thing gets all jumble together. I hope this helps sort it all out and keep it organized.
Mine were Teaching, Administration, & Pastor/Sheperd. I guess I messed up the average for everyone on mercy. lol, jk.

Evangelism 8

Prophecy 13

Teaching 16

Exhortation 14

Pastor/Shepherd 16

Showing Mercy 9

Serving 13

Giving 12

Administration 16
I got Admin 19, Pastor 18, and Teacher\Servant 16. I'm following the Duke in the mercy score though, its my lowest too.

The cold-hearted merciless people on the site show their fangs!
This was very intresting.Here are my results.


Evangelism 8

Prophecy 8

Teaching 13

Exhortation 16

Pastor/Shepherd 21

Showing Mercy 18

Serving 15

Giving 14

Administration 18

Does this mean I can hide in the background and work for the good of mankind unnoticed? That is where I am most comfortable these days! :D
Here's mine

Evangelism 21

Prophecy 15

Teaching 18

Exhortation 16

Pastor/Shepherd 23

Showing Mercy 18

Serving 14

Giving 16

Administration 23

Your gift or calling: janitor :lol:
My results:

1 Pastor/Shepherd
2 Showing Mercy
3 Evangelism

From experience I can say that I am high on the Shepherding and Mercy, but low on the Pastor and Evangelism end. Because I'm not a preacher or an evangelist, though I've had to do that at times. I think Missionary is so close to Evangelism that it comes out as if the same, but in practicality it may or may not be. I was surprised I didn't get a higher score on Teaching.

1. Pastor/Shepherd
2. Showing Mercy
3. Exhortation

with Evangelism, Teaching, Administration and Serving all in pretty much the same area. And Prophecy and Giving not too far off.

Prophecy? Hunh!
Yeah Cecil, I kind of wondered what questions on the test they could have used to ascertain the gift of prophecy...strange. To me it's just the gift of being the sheep closest to the Shepherd Jesus, so getting the inside scoop. And at times the Lord can speak past, present, near future and far future as if they're all the same. So it's like being a journalist ;) Beta