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Squeeze or Release


Real Person
Kinda reflecting on a movie last night about a troubled kid sent to a western ranch to get straightened out by riding horses and mending fences, and wearing western clothes and learning to say "Howdy". You know the type. But one thing stuck with me...

As he was learning to ride his horse, and to direct it successfully, he was told that as the horse took off running, it would be his natural reaction to grip and squeeze tighter with his legs. However, he was told, to a horse, squeezing / extra pressure means to run faster, while a release of pressure signals that it is time and is safe to slow down.

The idea stuck in my head and has been percolating. Hmmm. Of particular use, perhaps to parents. Or husbands learning to effectively govern a home... Hmmm.

Could it be that our natural reaction as one in authority, when those under our authority seem to balk, is to apply more pressure?

Could it be that, equally, the natural reaction of one who is feeling the pressure of authority trying to clamp down is to react by running harder? Frantically struggling to escape the bonds or get out from under?

Could it be that the way to slow it all down and bring things back to where they can be truly resolved is usually as simple as releasing the pressure?

Maybe, maybe not. Maybe sometimes, not others. But it is certainly food for thought. (Non-caloric, even! :lol: )
I think I follow your logic and it seems to make some sense.

Most of the time most people when their feeling too much pressure its our natural reaction to withdraw into our selves and to push other away like maybe rebel more.
I think this is great I believe we can learn lots from horses or even animals in general. I often do look at their behaviors and try to apply certain things to my life.

It is thought provoking thanks for sharing.

This year has been a real trial in faith. I have had to relearn how to put God first and to be a better husband. Recently for a multitude of issues, my bride found herself in an emotional affair with another man. This was heart breaking to me obviously. At one point she was ready to leave. I had caught her for the third time in a lie and him texting her still. She wanted to go stay at a friend's house. I went into panic mode. Godly serenity flew out the window. This I think was God taking His rightful place at the head chair in my heart. God yanked me out of the panic and reminded me that I was not helping Him. He told me that as much as I love my bride, He loves her more. She is His child, His bride and His creation. I called her friend and told her that my wife wanted to stay with her, handed my bride the keys to the best vehicle we have, gave her the cash from my wallet and offered to help her pack. This opened the door for My Creator to reach her. So many times the Bible talks about cool answers. Her crisis of faith and disobedience with her Creator needed direct intervention. I had to loosen my legs and let go and watch God do His thing, and be willing to be used by my Father when and how He sees fit.
Jonathan, I am praying for both of you, and really don't know what else to say. Please keep us informed of developments if there is anything specifically you would like us to pray about.
We are doing much better. This year has been intense and God has shown us both a lot. God really allowed this to happen to teach us both some lessons. I am glad and rejoice that God, the Creator of all things, cares enough about my bride and I to arrange things so that we learn to lean on Him.
I am so glad to hear this. He is good, isn't He! I pray for continued communication and grace for you both. It is a journey, how we travel it makes all the difference.