• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.



New Member
Hey there,

Sorry I have been absent from much discussion for some time, but I have been around in the background. I felt the need to post this, and I hope it does not come off as whining. It is SO hard to practice patience and wait on The Lord and His timing! I have been praying and hoping for a husband and family to join for what seems like so long (though I know others have been waiting much longer). How proactive can I be in my search for a family without overstepping in to what God is doing? Should I just pray that The Lord brings someone to me? Or should I seek out a family online, etc? I want to honor God in all that I do, but I also don't want to miss out on being with my beloved because I am just sitting around. I am just searching for any advice or godly wisdom you all might have. I really appreciate you all :-)
I would pray first, I prayed my whole teenage life for a husband, and it came when I was 20. God always has perfect timing. But concerning a plural family, it may be a little hidden or hard to find. We are proactive on some dating sites, but still patient and content. PM if you ever want to chat.
Look under Resources | Introductions. BibFam is sometimes able to help make a good match within the PM group.

Can't hurt, might help.
1) Pray. Keep praying. Then pray some more.

2) Years of waiting while single (and praying) are a whole lot better than spending those years in a marriage with the wrong man because you jumped too soon...

3) Go to the Introductions section, like Cecil said.

4) If you're in Florida, like you said in another thread, you're pretty close to some BF people. Go and visit someone so somebody here knows you're actually real. If you're really serious, do anything you can to make it to the upcoming retreat, despite the distance. To be frank, anyone seriously looking for a wife isn't going to be interested in an online post that could be from a nice young lady or could be from a scammer, they're only going to consider someone they've actually met in person. You'd be wise to be just as cautious yourself.
*[[Jer 29:11]] WEB* For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says Yahweh, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you hope and a future.

I am constantly praying that we can expand our family, unfortunately, there needs to be compatibility of heart, and oopenness to the truth of the Word.
I shall pray for your search as well, if you have no objections. ??

:-) :D
Did you post your story and introduce yourself on Introductions? If not, that might help.

There are a number of polygamy dating sites. There is nothing immoral about using them. Just be careful about meeting strangers in non-public places.