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Submission -verses- Subjection


New Member
Submission -verses- Subjection

Peggy and I was just talking about a subject the came up the last day we were at the retreat, about a difference of opinion (not an argument mind you) concerning sleeping arrangements, I was of one opinion and it seems like every woman would take the opposite side of the discussion...at least according to Peggy and the other lady that was there. It was a light hearted discussion and in no way uncomfortable...(but names being withheld to protect the innocent... :lol: ) Me being a typical guy thought, "No way I could be wrong!" Turns out I wasn't wrong. :D But while Peggy was explaining to me her opinion the Lord spoke to me and reminded me of something I said to a friend just yesterday!
"There is a difference between submission and subjection."

SUBJECTION is like "Martial Law", a dictator tells a "Subject" what to do and they do it or get punished!

SUBMISSION is a willful choice and should not be taken for granted. It should be mutual. Besides, The lion's share of the responsibility for the relationship, as I see it, falls on the husband being the kind of man(Christlike) his wife/wives would want to submit to which makes submitting easy.
Foot note:
#1 Submission is not a "Bill Due!" it is a "Gift Given" and should be honored as such and respected as any other gift. Imagine a child at Christmas saying, "Thanks for the 300 dollar x-box, what else you get me?!"
#2 Submission from weakness is surrender and akin to subjection. BUT Submission from strength is one of the greatest gifts a woman can give her husband aside from her virginity. In other words, it is important that a woman be a strong person. The stronger the woman the greater the gift of submission. REMEMBER GUYS, Earn IT! :!:

* Back to my difference of opinion with Peggy, like I said I was not wrong, so I should stick to my guns right? Well, I could beings that I am the head of the house and in charge, right? Well that kind of thinking is what I am trying to dismantle by this article. Even though I was not wrong it occurred to me neither was Peggy, and I asked myself who's happiness meant more to me. IT WAS EASY! Hers was! So I told her I "Yield"(not from weakness!) to the decision she and my future wife would make and if I made her feel uncomfortable I was truly sorry... <<lead by example>>

Note to reader: Was I wrong?! You decide, and what ever makes you happy, If you disagree with my premise, that is ok, you have to live by your decisions and I hope you can find something that works for you... This is just what the Lord is doing in my life and I thought I would share it with you... May God bless you and your wives...
Good one, Joe.

We've discussed this before with a slightly different twist under the concept of Submitted vs Submissive, in which a strong capable woman who willingly steps into her place withing the "family" organization is "submitted", vs the woman who wants to avoid the responsibility of decision is a "submissive". The former being attractive, and the latter, umm, not so much.

But that is describing it more from a female perspective. I like yours very much as well.