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The Absolute Necessity of Fathers (Jordan Peterson interviews Warren Farrell)


Seasoned Member
I realize not everyone has an hour and a half to spare; that's fine. But this is a really interesting video that I think a lot here will find interesting. They're discussing Warren Farrell's newest book "The Boy Crisis." Some of the topics discussed include rough-and-tumble play, assertiveness vs agression, male bonding, delayed gratification, and conscientiousness.

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The first five minutes give a pretty good payoff. Interesting insight into the early crisis in the women's movement over the needs of the children of divorce.
Damn, Sam.... That was awesome!

@Shibboleth, I never watch videos or listen to audio books or podcasts (information transfer is too slow compared to reading), but something told me to give this one 10-15', and once I was in I couldn't turn it off. So much good and useful information, and lots to think about.

I'm having trouble figuring out which book of Farrell's I want to start with. Something tells me, though, that like David Elkind, Jack Donovan, Richard Mitchell, and a few others over the years, I won't stop until I've read them all....
@Shibboleth, I never watch videos or listen to audio books or podcasts (information transfer is too slow compared to reading)
To each their own. My favorite feature on YouTube is the ability to speed things up. I usually try to listen at 1.5x. I also like that I can put it on and do other things (driving, working, chores, etc) while listening.
I also like that I can put it on and do other things (driving, working, chores, etc) while listening.
I've found that if I'm listening and reading something that have a similar subject matter I retain more from both. Plus I've found books and dvds on YouTube I could never justify to myself spending the obscene amount of money they want if I was to buy them. Then theres the learn as you grind the daily stuff aspect. I use to think the Youtube was just full of liberal intellectual porn and a waste of time.

I'm about half way through, I stopped and just ordered The Boy Crisis.
I'm fond of 1.25x and 1.5x myself. The last time I listened to 'books on tape' though (dating myself) was commuting to law school back in the '80s; didn't have a cell phone back then. These days, for me windshield time is phone time. :cool: