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The Devil's in the details.


Women's Ministry
Staff member
Real Person
This is kind of a follow on from Samuel's article in the latest Biblical Families newsletter. I am also watching many poly marriages fall apart and have been wondering why. There are individual reasons for each family, but I think it all comes under something far more broad.

Satan hates plural marriage.

I'm going to say that again in bold, pay attention.


Why? Because it's YHWH's answer. Because it emulates our relationship with Him, and because it provides for women in a correct way where society doesn't.

How many of you know about spiritual warfare? Here's what any church I have been in has taught. Satan wants to tempt us. He does this by tempting us to drink alcohol, to do drugs, to get involved with bad friends, to commit adultery. It's the big things. If you're addicted to alcohol then you listened to Satan.

Once again, in bold. IF YHWH SPEAKS IN A STILL SMALL VOICE, HOW MUCH MORE SO DOES SATAN? Do we think that it's only Satan if he's yelling at us and tempting us to do things that are obviously against YHWH? If we have the thought to murder someone, clearly that must be Satan. What if we have the thought that our husband might possibly love our sisterwife more than us? Oh but that's just normal thoughts, right? That's emotions and that's us. What if it's not?

2 Corinthians 10: 2-6, For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete.
The weapons of warfare are not the flesh. It's not about just not drinking alcohol or not picking up a knife to kill someone. No, we are to take every thought captive.

This is not just about controlling our own thoughts. Consider the context - this passage is discussing spiritual warfare. We are to take every thought captive because some of our thoughts may not actually be from ourselves. Some may be from Satan. What better way to tear apart a marriage?

Do you take hold of your thoughts, examine them, pray about them? Or do you accept them, dwell on them, feel the weight of them?
The Devil is in the details. He works in the little things. You don't expect him there.

Stand up.
Don't allow him to win.

Focus on the ONLY one who is true and never lies, YHWH.
Amen and AMEN!!!
It's a shame we can't do a postmortem on some of these failed marriages. It would be interesting to see where the problems arise from most.