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There's a first time for everything.


Seasoned Member
Real Person
While walking through town to meet my wife I encountered a group of people; two men and two women, who were promoting some products (I never found out what). To initiate a conversation one woman asked if I had a few minutes to which I replied that I really didn't as I was going to meet someone. She asked if I have a wife so, throwing caution to the wind, I said, "I have two wives." She said, "Wow, you must be a good man, can I be your third wife?" There was a lot of laughter from the others and a few sarcastic remarks but the woman said she was single with no kids and wanted to be married. I asked the group if they read the Bible then took the opportunity to explain that there is nothing wrong with a man having more than one wife. The conversation only lasted for a few minutes but it was a classic. Never had that happen before! And for those of you who are wondering about the woman; I'll just say, there were very obvious reasons why she was probably having trouble finding a husband.
I think the challenge is to not fear the responses people might make but for us to be bold in standing up for the truth of God's Word. The difficulty I have personally stems from what I already experienced with the loss of close friendships, and that especially with my own kids. But yes, it gives people something to think about and especially when they've never been prompted to in regard to the Bible. Thanks for the comments.
Maybe the PM message is not really for the 'Church'.
My reaction is ‘it is’ for the church. The church has been inundated with bad information and half truths for almost two millennia. Changing the church back to truth is not going to be easy.

I read recently the days of our week are an issue. Sunday named for the Sun God, Monday for the moon god, Thursday meaning Thor’s-day. I have to research the others. The Bible uses first day of the week, second day of the week and so on.

But to not use Sunday, Monday and so forth would be confusing in general conversation.

So how do you undo 2,000 years of corrupt biblical thinking? One family at a time.
My reaction is ‘it is’ for the church. The church has been inundated with bad information and half truths for almost two millennia. Changing the church back to truth is not going to be easy.

I read recently the days of our week are an issue. Sunday named for the Sun God, Monday for the moon god, Thursday meaning Thor’s-day. I have to research the others. The Bible uses first day of the week, second day of the week and so on.

But to not use Sunday, Monday and so forth would be confusing in general conversation.

So how do you undo 2,000 years of corrupt biblical thinking? One family at a time.

Hey, I agree with you. I put church in quotes meaning, we need to get back to the real thing.