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Thoughts on The Ferryman


Real Person
There's an old story that used to make the rounds. It went something like this ...

There once were two towns separated by a stretch of wilderness and a river. Those wishing to travel from one to the other down the only road had to cross the river on a ferry.

When a traveler asked the ferryman what the folks were like in the town to which he was going, the ferryman invariably replied by asking a question of his own. He would inquire, What were folks like in the town you just came from?

If the reply was something like, "Horrid! Just horrid! Mean, stingy, nasty, back-biting gossips & cheats who would steal the shirt off your back as soon as look at you. I couldn't get shet of 'em fast enough!", he would then opine, "Well, the folks up ahead of you are pretty much the same."

BUT, if they said, "Wonderful! Salt of the earth! Kind, generous, hospitable, honest, straight talking folks who would give you the shirt off their backs! I miss 'em already!", well, then he would slowly nod and say, "Well, the folks up ahead of you are pretty much the same."
This story has been running around in my head for several days as having strong implications for PM. Seems to me that if a person has learned to be happy and enjoy folks & relationships BEFORE they get into a PM, they're pretty likely to do well IN it. But if they are full of complaints about their situation & past, they may well find PM to be pretty durn tough.

Your thoughts?

(Part of what spurred this reverie is thoughts of my youngest step-son who is involved with a young lady from very difficult circumstances who yet retains a very positive attitude, is doing well in school, and preparing to make a career in the Marines after college. I'm very proud of them both as he had a rather difficult and distorting start in life as well.)
Looking anywhere other than our Creator and the promise through Yeshua for our salvation is fruitless. No man or woman, no husband or wife, can be our salvation. It is so very important that agreement is found through faith, regardless of which side of the river we are on.