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Tiger Woods and the Case Against Monogamy


I would point out to those who watch these things as I do -- with a bit of cynical suspicion, in other words ;) -- will notice something about the whole article. Indeed, the 12 part "photo essay" makes the point "in spades":

There is mention of pagan sexuality, there are several examples of polyandry, there is one de rigeur nod to Mormon polygamy, and there are even several references to gay sex, "swinging", and orgy palaces -- but not even ONE hint of Biblical, patriarchal marriage, much less the Bible!
True, if the author had mentioned something Godly or pure as a motive they would never have published it.
Although I believe I understand the reasoning behind posting this, I found the video clip to be pretty raunchy and I thought it shed a very sexual and perverted light on the entire poly issue. I don't think I would show this to my parents or family in order to help explain it to them. In fact, I thought this video really showed the worst possible reasons for polygamy. (We all keep saying it isn't about sex, yet the "bar scene" and stuff really highlighted sexuality to me.)

I'm going to have to go with sweetlissa on this one. That video was horrible...
It would be hard to explain what polygany is and how it benefits a family to anyone who has previously watched this.
I have a very open mind, but that doesn't mean I will accept all life styles.
As hypocritical as it sounds I do have a very hard time with one woman sleeping with multiple men. There are reasons its not a "Biblical" lifestyle.

P.S. I'm glad there weren't any children in that family, or so it seemed...
We keep seeing these high profile men (political and celebrity) getting caught with other women. And we always joke about sharing the truth about biblical marriage with them. But to me that makes it seem like it is okay for these guys to go find a new woman any time they want to as long as the call it marriage instead of an affair. Well, who says that these guys are capable of handling one marriage, much less two or more? It seems to me that if they were worried about "relationships" and "family" then instead of persuing these relationships that are bound to get them into trouble and create problems for their families, they would be concentrating on the strongest family bonds that they can. Of course people make mistakes but I don't think the poly would solve Tiger's problem or the Governor of SC or Bill Clinton or anyone's problems.
We keep seeing these high profile men (political and celebrity) getting caught with other women...Of course people make mistakes but I don't think the poly would solve Tiger's problem or the Governor of SC or Bill Clinton or anyone's problems.

Agreed, Lissa - but this is exactly why I contend that the ONE thing we are not ABOUT to hear concerning any of these issues from Satan's Controlled Media is ANYTHING that the Word of YHVH might have to say. (Sometimes the sarcasm has to come out... ;) )

They will ALWAYS make it about sex, or how many, or who - ANYTHING but Him and what He really says!


diasōzō said:
I'm going to have to go with sweetlissa on this one. That video was horrible...
It would be hard to explain what polygany is and how it benefits a family to anyone who has previously watched this.
I have a very open mind, but that doesn't mean I will accept all life styles.
As hypocritical as it sounds I do have a very hard time with one woman sleeping with multiple men. There are reasons its not a "Biblical" lifestyle.

P.S. I'm glad there weren't any children in that family, or so it seemed...

Sweet Lissa,
I know that you don't need any backup, but I'm with you on your call on this, sister, regarding Tiger would make a bad representation of "Bilbical plural marriage". Anyhow, who cares what Tiger Woods, Bill Clinton, etc. are doing. If they aren't following God's will what do I care what there up to. I mean I know I should care about Bill Clinton type folk, because men like him are running our great country. However, God is really in control, so I don't care about those type of people other than I pray for their salvation.

And I think that was my point. None of those men have claimed to be following Godly pursuits. None of them have done more than apologize to save face. I would want to see them have a relationship with their loving Father in Heaven rather than worry about how many lovers/wives/concubines they can have. We have to put first things first or this lifestyle will never be respected. First, God's will. Second, take care of the family you have, third, seek God's guidance in all things, fourth, follow God's will. If that leads to Plural Marriage, then so be it. If it leads to deeper, healthier relationships among families, yippee! If it leads to heartfelt repentance and conversion of people then Yahoo! I thought we were about finding God's will, not promoting that it is okay to have multiple partners as long as you have a covenant marriage. If you aren't in God's will how can you have a covenant marriage with anyone?

sweetlissa said:
None of those men have claimed to be following Godly pursuits.

You are 100% correct. Tiger Woods, Bill Clinton, etc. are not role model examples, but they are high profile examples that monogamy does not work for everyone. No matter how attractive or talented your spouse is.

The idea that monogamy does not work for everyone is an important message, even for monogamists. When I lived the lie that you can only morally love one person it caused me problems. Early in our marriage before I even considered polygamy I was pretty open to my wife about that fact that I was attracted to other women. I never cheated on her, but it still caused us problems ("How can you love me and still be attracted to others? That is the first step to having an affair!").

The above examples, while poor examples as role models, are excellent examples to make the point that many men have these feelings. What Biblical Polygamy does is give you the information to know what the right way is to handle these feelings ("If you love her, marry her."). That is my opinion anyway.