• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Trying to connect with other young first wives! :)


Hello Everyone! I am 25 years old, mother of four ages 3 months to 4 years, and my husband and I feel that the Lord will one day bless us with a second wife. I know no one personally who agrees with plural marriage and would love to connect with other young mothers who are living this lifestyle as first, or second etc, wives. What are your stories, how long have you been in a plural marriage, how do you handle the new normal, sharing your husband, life with many little ones close together...in other words what does life look like for you? Really looking forward to getting to know everyone better!

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Hi Maegirl, welcome to the forum!

I'm in about the same spot as you. I'm an only wife, and have a brood of little ones to keep me busy. I have 6 children from 8yrs down to 6 months. Am I young? Well, I'm 33, not sure if that's young or old anymore lol, but I still feel young.

The best place to get to know women here is in the ladies chat. It's on Tuesday nights at 7.30pm, Eastern. You can click on the link at the top of the forum page to join in.
Hey Mae, congrats on being a young mother of so many children. Way to go. We need more like you and your husband. You really stacked them in there tight. I did the same thing with my first five. I'm older now and I just wanted to let you know that it gets really cool in a few years. Hope you guys post a lot.
FollowingHim2, Untold Glory and Zec, thank you so much for welcoming me! I am really looking forward to joining the ladies chat and learning all I can. My husband bluearrow89 and I have been lurkers for awhile and are really eager to start forming supportive friendships as we have no one around we can really discuss this with. We are glad to be here!

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Hi Mae and Welcome!
I know I'm a little late to the welcoming party but I thought I would chime in anyway. :)
I'm glad you are here and I love your enthusiasm! I sincerely hope you find the answers and stories you are looking for to help you along your journey.
Blessings to you,