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Use Better Arguments Exclusively


Real Person
I am reading Dr. Michael L. Brown's book, "A Queer Thing Happened to America". It is a great book, and should be read by any of you with a concern about the homosexual agenda.

There is a similarity with arguments regarding the homosexual agenda as some use regarding polygamy. I believe this is errant thinking, as we have better, God centered reasons for Biblical Plural Marriage. They may not be pragmatic, or even understood by unbelievers...but they set us apart from other practices frequently equated with it.

Let us speak more "thus sayeth the LORD" and less of the secula r reasons that place us in bad company.

Just my thoughts,

i do not know, people who do not follow YAHWH's laws do many of the some things as i do for the same reasons that i do.
going to work
supporting their families

my point is that there is nothing wrong with secular reasons, it does not have to be "thus sayeth the Lord".

in fact, if we rely on "thus sayeth..." we cut them out of the conversation about why our way may be better. the government has no right to own marriage and that makes uncomfortable knowing that if the goverment were to get out of the way, they could claim marriage also. oh well. do we really want the government denying their rights while "granting" us a right given to us by YHWH alone? how long before that turns around and bites our rumps?
Originally I made a stronger argument, that went to darker places. Unfortunately it violated some policy.

The point is that homogenous pragmatic arguments can be used for many things we would not approve.

As for cutting out secularist, well this is simply not our most important discussion. We should be rather discussing Christ alone with the unsaved.
You know, I think I would be inclined to agree with you. The apostles sat down and debated now and then, but they spent most their time in active ministry, bringing Jesus to the world, not clever arguments. The more I debate online, the more I realise how pointless it really is. The goal of a Believer should be to lift Christ up.

Joh 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. :D :D :D :D
ground000 said:
The goal of a Believer should be to lift Christ up.

Joh 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. :D :D :D :D

A hearty AMEN from me to that!