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What a crazy 8 weeks


wow! So the last eight weeks have been crazy to say the least. I went from working days for six weeks back to nights for six weeks and back to days permanently. Not only did I finally get my spot on days, but it's on a completely different unit that will challenge me in so many ways. I went from working in open heart to now working on a cardiac observation unit that also does opiate and alcohol detox. Detox is something that scares the pants off of me, but I'm actually enjoying it. I have always loved open heart, but to be honest there's something absolutely incredible about the journey one takes through detox. Prior to working on this unit i had a HUGE bias against drug users and those that consumed large amounts of alcohol. This has really challenged me to look at each of those individually differently and figure out how I could be a blessing in their lives. This was absolutely the right change for me. Unfortunately, some things happened over the last six weeks at work with a physician that does not understand boundaries or the word no and I've been struggling to mentally wrap my mind around it. Each day has been a challenge, but I will absolutely not let it get to me. Today was the first day in probably a month that I've been able to fully enjoy every minute of it. The kids and I went to get family pictures taken and while my son proved to be very challenging, it was worth it. I hope everyone is well. Any fun plans for the upcoming holiday?? My kids will be with their dad so I'm picking up a couple extra days at work.


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@Cindy, Hey it's great to hear from you again! It's been a while. Glad you got your day position and are also enjoying the new journey and challenges of dealing with detox patients. God will use you if you're willing. :)

I hope you will get time to spend extra with your kiddos on some of the holidays coming up. Blessings to you! Wonderful pics!
Glad you are finding good in the busy. Praying you are able to have wisdom regarding the person at work. Thanks for sharing the pictures. They all were really good. Hope you will have some special moments working so that others can be with family. Blessings.