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What About Destructive Adultery In Monogamy?


Real Person
The following link discusses 'destructive' polygamy in France:

http://islamineurope.blogspot.com/2009/ ... ctive.html

I wonder what the destructive impact of adultery in monogamous relationships is? After all, having a mistress is commonly acceptable in France. It is funny that they will condemn one, but not the other.

Just food for thought.

Like so many of these "informative studies" , this one leaves out a crucial bit of information or two...

While the "Islam question" was tiptoed around a bit, the numbers are still ambiguous. How many of those "40-50,000 families" are Islamic? (Perhaps the implication is "all" -- it's a Muslim site, after all.)

Many of us have become inured to the frequent assertion that anyone who believes that a man may have more than one wife MUST be Mormon. It seems to me that the Adversary has decided that it is now better to lump genuine "Berean Believers" in with yet another religion, so far as 'the world' is concerned.