• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

what do you mean?


New Member
I guess I should find out what you folks mean by "Christian"
Do you follow any system of theology? If so which.
"Christian" is admittedly a tough word, Bob -- especially in these times. I tend to observe on occasion that what is preached in many places sounds quite a bit different than what Scripture actually says; "another Jesus", if you will (although I tend to think that "another Yeshua" is apropos given the scope of some "additions" and "subtractions"! ;) )

I consider myself to be messianic, or Hebrew-roots-oriented, and (obviously) patriarchal (a term which I contend reflects a more 'general' understanding of what He Wrote about marriage than just the limited observation that a man may take more than one Covenant wife.) What you will find here on BF in the broadest sense is an understanding that it is what Scripture specifically says that matters.

I personally tend to take even a harder line. His Written Word is infallible, in the original language (since any perusal of versions will show that translations vary - if for no other reason that languages affect thought patterns. Some also say "Sola Scriptura" but that sounds a bit highbrow for me, and I'm honestly not sure that ONLY Scripture is possible -- but it is an informative concept.)

Our Savior said (Malachai) that He "changes NOT", and then added that "not one yod or tiddle" of His teaching and understanding (or "torah", in the Hebrew) would pass so long as "heaven and earth" still exist. (Matt. 5:18, Mark 13:31, Luke 16:17, etc)

He is the Word Made Flesh, but Wrote it down for us for (at least) one obvious reason.

Hope that helps.

Blessings in Him,

brYce said:
I really hope that the administrators will come up with some kind of statement of belief and hold people to it, and that might be in the works. I complained about there not being one last week and I think that they're considering it - at least, I hope they are.
I really hope that they don't. Is there a statement of belief that we need to be 'held to'? Is this because we are somehow stray animals who need to be leashed so we don't go off and get lost? The lost sheep are out there, not in here...really Bryce :eek: We all have the Holy Scriptures. Do we really need another instruction manual? Are we children? Maybe they should draw us something in crayon so we can really understand. :mrgreen:

I do agree with the fact that this is a group of people from varying denominations and convictions which come together in the most beautiful and harmonious way. It's refreshing to me and I don't think it ought to be messed with. The last thing this world needs is another box to put Jesus/Yeshua/Isa in and keep Him the way we want him and to keep Him from getting out to perhaps (heaven forbid) visit some Samaritan or something.

The Christians here on this forum are for the most part people who:
1. know their Lord and seek Him earnestly
2. search the Scriptures with all their heart, soul and mind
3. in humility think others better than themselves
4. know how to obey the voice of the Lord in their personal lives
5. take great personal risks in doing so and are self-sacrificing in life

If it's a list you're looking for, I'd say that's it.

Blessings of the Lord to all,

dittos, beta

i wish that i could have written it like that, i can see where your son got his wisdom ;)
simply awsome

There is absolutely no way I am going to "fellowship" with someone who denies the Deity of our Master or is promoting gnostic heresy. There are certain things that are non-negotiable. What fellowship has light with darkness?

Here is the statement of what this organisation is about, as taken from the home page:
Biblical Families is a ministry founded by Biblical, Christ-centered, Spirit-filled believers desiring to nurture, defend, and encourage Biblical-based marriages, including those Christian families with (hold on to your hat, and your Bible) more than one wife. All of these are the "families of the earth" who are blessed by the Lord.

Biblical Families is dedicated to nurturing Biblical marriages and families by providing edification, support, and strength for the journey - especially to those involved or desiring to be involved with Christian plural marriage (polygyny). It is our hope that you will find this site a place to renew your strength, get practical advice and counsel, and be encouraged to press on toward the goal of serving God as you have been called.

Biblical Families is dedicated to defending Biblical marriages as modelled after those marriages that God has used throughout the Bible to fulfil His will. However, we do not wish our forums to degenerate into a simple pro/con-polygamy debate. We will defend these truths from the Bible at the appropriate place and time.

Biblical Families is dedicated to encouraging Biblical marriages by providing principles for healthy, long lasting relationships, and presenting Christian plural marriage as a good and caring option for believers. Please note that we recognize it as an option, not as a requirement, and fully expect that most believers will never be called to participate in it - but that doesn't mean they shouldn't support those who are called to such a family.

Biblical Families is dedicated to nurturing, defending and encouraging the entire Christian family by providing wisdom, counsel and principles concerning raising children from God's Word. It is our hope that this will be one more resource to help Biblical Families raise healthy children who love God and His Word.
I am not interested in a place that will allow non-Christians like Ebionites, Gnostics, Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, Mormons, or any other group to mix amongst us and spread their lies either directly, or indirectly.

Is this a mission ground to reach out to non-believers or a place to strengthen those who already believe? I am certain that the retreats would not be times of fellowship in Him if we had Mormons, Muslims, and other polygynous people there. If this is a mission organisation that hopes to bring Muslims to retreats with the hope of converting them then I think that is a little disingenuous. Why coax a Muslim family to travel a long distance if they think they're going to a retreat about having a plural family if people are really just going to try to convert them? I'm not saying that is what people are suggesting, but I'm merely arguing a point.

Yes, it is true that most people on this forum are seekers who know His will well. People who will stand up while most of their brothers are sitting down are people who usually have strong convictions which come from careful study. However, even people like that can be deceived by false teachers who plant themselves in our midst. And, let us not forget the babes in Messiah who join us and are not yet established in His Word. They are probably more susceptible to doctrines that lead people away from the worship of the One who is able to save their souls. I get awfully jealous when it comes to guarding my brothers and sisters from deceivers who want to destroy us.

I think that some things to seriously consider are:

  • • His Deity - that our Master is not diminished in any way;
    • His grace - that we are justified and sanctified only by His grace and nothing we can do; and
    • His Scripture - that it is as He says, the very Words of Hashem
Perhaps there are other things and I think it is best for the administrators of this group to figure that all out.

Can't we take a stand on a few non-negotiable points? I think we're commanded to by our Master.

One final point comes to me after just looking at the home page again. It says at the top, "Building the Church through Building the Family". Who builds the congregation of His people and attempts to include people who worship the enemy? They have no place among us. What fellowship has light with darkness?



When Steve and I lived in Mexico on the mission field, we ministered with every type and stripe of believer, all of whom were giving everything for the Kingdom to the best of their ability and understanding. Here is what we found to be the core of what united us re: Yeshua, and I have not found anyone on the board who disagrees with this-- Yeshua is the Son of God, born of a virgin, who died a brutal death for our salvation, was raised on the third day, is crazy about His bride, is going to come back to clean up our mess once again and handily kick the enemy's backside.

As I am getting to know the folks on this board, and hear their stories of unspeakable courage and committment to what the Word says, I am satisfied that if any grievous theological wolves try to sneak in, they'll be duly "rodded and staffed."


Welcome. I hope you enjoy this site and find fellowship and blessing here.

You may notice that there is quite a bit of diversity here, not least between those who are united in heart for God and accepting of people vs one or two who are primarily concerned about their own ideas of theological purity.

One, for instance, has taken a hard, no bending stand about his unwillingness to fellowship with a number of people here, yet here he still is. Whassup? Those he complains of are not going anywhere and are welcome. So is he, though most of us are not in sympathy with his views in this area.

For the record I guess, while the administrators and many members of this site are well aware of Mormon and Muslim theology and ideas about PM, no, they are not welcomed or promulgated at this site. Those spiritual disciplines use another "scripture" than the Bible that figures so prominently in the name of this site. By the same token, the JW view of God is not welcomed either, to the best of my knowledge. In fact, yes, we have had new members arrive and start talking from those points of view, and they have been quietly but firmly told that there are other sites where their views will be appreciated, and they should go there.

Having said those hard things, If I were to try to come up with a positive statement about what unites us, I would hope to be wise enough to create statements as surpassingly excellent, showing the heart of fellowship in the family of Christ, as those offered by Beta and Alit53.

Beautiful, Ladies. Thank you.
CecilW said:
One, for instance, has taken a hard, no bending stand about his unwillingness to fellowship with a number of people here, yet here he still is. Whassup? Those he complains of are not going anywhere and are welcome. So is he, though most of us are not in sympathy with his views in this area.
If they remain welcome after the administrators have their meeting about this then I will leave. There are two people I've discovered who teach heretical views about the nature of our Master and their continued presence here will be something that I will not abide. I will not fellowship with gnostic heretics and Ebionites who deny my Master's nature. Shalom.
bobnsandy said:
I guess I should find out what you folks mean by "Christian"
Do you follow any system of theology? If so which.
Let us not forget what re-sparked this discussion - Bob and Sandy have come to this group and they, like many serious Christians would, wonder what the heck we believe. Sure, we claim to be Christians, but there are no doctrinal statements. For all they know we're a bunch of cultists.
1Jo 4:1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

Rev 2:2 'I know your deeds and your toil and perseverance, and that you cannot tolerate evil men, and you put to the test those who call themselves apostles, and they are not, and you found them {to be} false;
Here is how I define what and who A Christian is:
1.) One who has placed complete turst in the finished work of Jesus Christ the perfict Son of G-D as the only means of salvation.
2.) Salvation is completely of faith and not of works in any form and is freely given to any and all who accept it.
3.) A Christian will exibit outward evidences of this faith by walking in the path shown in G-d's revealed Word, the Bible.
4.) While somethings may be lawful for a Christian that doesn't mean the a Christian shouldn't practice what Paul calls a stumbling block.
.) While somethings may be lawful for a Christian that doesn't mean the a Christian shouldn't practice what Paul calls a stumbling block.

I agree with everything that you listed with one exception, but I assume that you meant "should" instead of "shouldn't". We should not be stumbling blocks. I do not believe the 1 Cor. 8 passage applies to marriage, or polygamy, or most of the things that the verse is set against by the church.

Paul not the apostle said:
.) While somethings may be lawful for a Christian that doesn't mean the a Christian shouldn't practice what Paul calls a stumbling block.

I agree with everything that you listed with one exception, but I assume that you meant "should" instead of "shouldn't". We should not be stumbling blocks. I do not believe the 1 Cor. 8 passage applies to marriage, or polygamy, or most of the things that the verse is set against by the church.

Yes I meant should sorry.
I need to saythis while i don't agree with your views I do understand them better andwill sign off as a friend. I think my wife of 33 years is not emotionaly stable enough to even sugest a 2nd wife, I would never force the issue with her. well for now.
Shalom y'all :)
Brother, you don't have to believe that you should take a second wife to support us and have discussions. If I am not mistaken, this discussion forum is for everyone and we really appreciate brothers who agree with us that it is not wrong. I find it very encouraging with a brother expresses solidarity with me, for the vast majority make me out to be a pariah.

I encourage you to stick around and have some chats with us if you'd like.
I will second Bryce's comment about supporting or discussing this type of marriage without engaging in it for yourself. I do know that it can be quite difficult to explain to anyone, especially a wife, why you are even ON this forum without your sanity being questioned. I do respect your decision to not burden or stress your wife with this type of interaction if she does not have "ears to hear" right now, or ever for that matter.

For the record, it seems like you would be able to contribute to the non polygyny threads on this forum and give insight into those types of discussions, even though that is not the main focus of the site. Peace to you in whatever God has for you and your family.

Yes I meant should sorry.
I need to saythis while i don't agree with your views I do understand them better andwill sign off as a friend. I think my wife of 33 years is not emotionaly stable enough to even sugest a 2nd wife, I would never force the issue with her. well for now.
Shalom y'all bobnsandy

Bryce, QMC05 got you to come back. It is time for you to pay it forward buddy, bring back bobnsandy. We are all counting on you.

Paul (not the apostle)
Ok I'll stick around (mainly to see what happens next :lol: ) One condition however, that none of you make fun of my spelling. There are 3 reasons this happens
1. I type faster than my brain,
2. My fingers are wide and I hit the wrong key
3. i slept through most of the spelling classes
I find it neat to read what others think .
Paul NTA here is some mor of my Bio:
I am 67 years old I was born in the Midwest and lived my childhood South of the Mason -Dixon line I moved to Ohio 40 years ago when I got a job in the steel industry. My wife and I have 4 grown Children (2 each) 4 grandkids all boys , one dog , 2 cats and a snake out in the yard (it's not a pet).
I work 5 days a week in a food store to keep from rusting out.
Hey Bobnsandy,

i am in ohio. i live near AK steel Is that where u used to work? It's a yukky place, lots of pollution, but steel is very useful.
Awesome. I am so glad that you are sticking around. The next one to post and run has to be brought back by bobnsandy, who will be old school crew by then. We are south of the mason dixon, in north east georgia.

I am really enjoying your humor and fellowship. 4 male grandchildren must be quite the workout.