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What good is polygamy? Questions and accusations we get

woodysgang said:
cecil you made the comment about including a single woman and her children in family activities and she may become family. That is something that my friends have said to me. Things like he can be a father figure and help provide for her but why does he have to sleep with her. people have even said charity doesn't happen in the bedroom. What is your take on this
Fair 'nuff.

What they are saying is that It's ok to obey "Feed 'em when they're hungry, clothe 'em when they're naked, and thus provide for the needs of their bodies", James 2:15,16. And it's ok to obey PART of James 1:27, meeting the children's need for a human father. But why do you have to obey the rest of it and meet the woman's need for a human husband?

Or maybe you can be a husband, but disobey the command to not keep yourself from your wife. Now it is ok to deprive her of her valid needs. Or shouldn't she be satisfied with having a dog to love up on? Or ... any other piece of rediculous silliness designed with one aim in mind -- to excuse disobedience.

Anyone who has kids has undoubtedly noticed that Partial Obedience = Disobedience!

And if it gets to the point that she becomes part of the family, "charity" will undoubtedly be the last thing on either of your minds!

Oh, and if sleeping with her is a "have to" event, then someone is in the wrong relationship!
Barring medical inability, you can't play the role of husband without sex. A woman in the situation where they 'play family' but don't act it out all the way will still need an actual husband and family. You haven't solved her problems, just given her a partial relief. That kind of relationship is a failure to provide when one is able too, as has been said here by several people already.

Without sex you aren't going to be properly meeting her emotional and physical needs, and you don't have an important part of the bonding process.
sorry it has taken me so long to respond. Thank you all for your input, I think my DH family just says these things as another excuse for not accepting the way we live. I could talk till I am blue in the face and so could DH and they will never understand until God changes there hearts so for now we pray.