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What is it really like being a Second?

Okay so I know this post is probably going to be a little different then the norm on the site. However, with that said I want to know other's experiences being a SW the good, the bad and the ugly. I am pretty new to wanting to actually practice PM even though have believed in it a very long time. I guess I just want to prepare myself for the realities that are going to come along.

I appreciate any input from FW's as well on how the SW can make the transition easier on the FW?

I can only speak from my experience as FW and dating... That said, here are things I learned.

Don't try to displace the first wife... It seems obvious but it might as well be said. The circle is expanding, not shifting. If in the beginning the husband turns to his FW with problems, don't take it personally, it is just born out of years of him leaning on her and is not a reflection of you or your relationship with him. It takes time to build relationships, it doesn't happen overnight. This was a huge issue with a potential we were seeing as she kept whining that "he preferred me". Well, yes, I suppose he did but at that point we had been together 15 years and it was a comfortable thing to turn to each other. She took it personally that she did not instantly have that but never once did she try to actually build a relationship with hubby. Ultimately, she wanted her half and most of mine too and I wasn't giving it, which frustrated her since she very much had an attitude that I had my time so I should just disappear in the shadows and hand her my family and let her catch up. Yeah, doesn't work that way.

Communication... Instead of going off in a huff, try communicating with future hubby and FW about your feelings, needs, dreams, etc. Of course, be reasonable. Example: Don't be mad that hubby took FW out for her birthday to dinner and start railing at how unfair it is she just got a date night. (Yes, this really happened) Men are notoriously NOT mind readers and you have to spell it out. Instead of fighting the FW and getting huffy, try instead talking to her. Chances are we can empathize and understand what it is you are needing and relay that appropriately to the husband. Also, here it should be noted that during the courting phase, you need to build a relationship with the FW and not just the hubby. I will not lie, if I feel slighted and "dumped", I will make life difficult for both hubby and potential and ultimately, that relationship will not last. You want FW as an ally, not an enemy. Trust me on this one. Men who have been in a long-term marriage are not going to dump their first wife and run off with the new wife. Yet, some of the girls do seem to fantasize about this happening. (Note: This is not personal or directed at you, just a general observation)

Even if the hubby marries the woman without the approval and blessing of his FW, I guarantee you not having a good relationship with her will make your life miserable. Even if FW decides to leave, especially where there are children involved, she will "own" him and take more of his attention at that point. Simply put, his guilt and legal obligations will keep him tied to her for a long time and she is not gonna go away quietly leaving the couple to wedded bliss. Thus, the absolute goal of an incoming SW is to support the marriage of the FW and hubby and work towards a goal of living harmoniously. Just as you want the FW to accept you and support the relationship with hubby, so should you do for the FW. When things get rough, she will defend you, stick by you, and advocate for you. Do the same for her.

Okay, this sounds kind of gloom and doom and I don't mean it to. I guess my biggest point is just always remember, there are actual people with actual feelings involved. Put yourself in our shoes as much as you can and use empathy. I know there are some on this forum who believe the FW doesn't get a say, but that is just foolishness on their parts because in the end, FW does have a choice to leave or go and the courts will support her in that. You do *not* want to be involved in a nasty divorce battle and watch a family break apart and a man destroyed because he was thinking with something other than his brain. Ultimately, you would be the biggest loser in that contest sadly. Single girls need to protect themselves in a lot of different ways, and this is one of them. Make sure the marriage is stable and the FW is in agreement. God will not (NOT, no matter what anyone trys to tell me) bring a husband to the conviction without also bringing the wife. If the wife is dead set against Plural Marriage, expect nothing but troubles and heartaches. Further, if a man waits too long to introduce you to the wife, RUN... he is about to dump something on his FW and it will be UGLY. Again, RUN FAST.

It is commonly known that women have the power to hurt each other far more than a man does. Every emotion you have and evil little thought (we all have them, LOL), be aware that so does FW.

Oh, one other thing... Respect her experience. If she tells you hubby hates broccoli, trust her and don't test the theory thinking your broccoli will be better. She learned from experience and she knows him well... let her teach you and learn from her... it benefits YOU most of all as it helps you develop the relationship with hubby and gives you brownie points with FW for listening to her and making her feel like she matters, even if it is just how he wants his socks folded.

Thanks Becca,
I did not find this post negative at all.On the contrary I found it very real and informative and will keep this information close and in my heart as I explore and engage others.
AMEN Becca!!! More people need to understand that God is not going to instruct a man to brow beat his wife into accepting PM. God will reveal PM to both parties because he is a God of LOVE not divorce!
I have been a second wife for a few years now. There really are no words to describe how it has been. Sometimes it brings great joy. Sometimes great sorrow Pretty much like any other relationship we have that is worthwhile. Once you get beyond the oddity of being plural, it is really just a family. Of course there are times when things get awkward. And there are times when people don't get along. And there are times when someone (or all of us) behave selfishly. Sometimes we can be wonderfully loving and kind to each other. Sometimes we are hateful and harsh. Then we forgive and move on.

I have felt every negative emotion that can be felt. I have also felt a lot of powerful positive emotions. The thing that is very certain is that each family is different. I know quite a few Biblical Families now and each one is completely different. Part of that has to do with the men. Each one is very individual (no two patriachs are the same, you know!) As women, we are required to follow the lead of our husband. So often, wives to the same man have lots of things in common. It doesn't have to be that way, but you will find that he will expect certain things NO MATTER WHAT. Each family has a different way of setting things up.

I believe that both first and second wives have a hard time adjusting. If you ask a first wife, they have it the hardest because of the emotions and changes that they go through. If you ask a second wife, they say they have it the worst because they feel like an outsider and there is so much history between Hubby and wife1. Hubby will say it is hardest for him because he has to juggle the needs of two women who don't necessarily think and act alike. The reality is that it is equally difficult for everyone. The most eye-opening experience for me was to become very close friends with a first wife. She shared so many insights with me that I was able to understand so much from my SW's perspective. Hearing her struggles has helped me immensely. But my stories have also helped her to understand her SW. I think that it is probably the most valuable thing any one going through this for the first time could do is to find a woman in the other position that they can talk to. It is fine for first wives to be friends, but then it can quickly fall into an us v them situation. SeekHim1 has been a huge inspiration to me and has given me so much knowledge and understanding.

I know that I am struggling this week since our original choice for a sw has come back into our lives and hubby has not only forgiven her but moved her in!

I am dealing with a waterfall of emotions as I'm glad to have a great friend here to help since I've been sick and had a sick baby.
I am sure it's not easy for her either but, in all honesty tonight I'm feeling a bit selfish and I don't care what is easy for her tonight! :cry:

I know with God I can do anything, so I'm going to stay in my part of the house and keep laying all my negative thoughts at the foot of the cross.
Well I am at a place where I am finally okay with whatever emotions that I have to go through. Emotions are natural just have to learn to place them at the foot of the Cross and know that God is in control not me.
Nikismom said:
I'm going to stay in my part of the house and keep laying all my negative thoughts at the foot of the cross.

You've been sick and you've also had a lot on your plate recently with out of town guests, and such. Take care of yourself, get as much rest as you can and let God take care of you. When you're not feeling well, it just makes everything worse.
Praying for you!
You should always take care of yourself. It is important that we are healthy because you can't give of yourself if you are not. If you are sick, or just plain old don't feel good, you should do what you need to do to get back in balance again. If you don't, you won't be able to go back to being the loving, giving wife and mother that you have always been.

I am glad that you have someone there to help you right now. I hope you can get through all the emotional hurdles too.
